in press
Amoroso CA, Kappeler PM , Fichtel C, Nunn CL (in press) Temporal patterns of waterhole use as a predator avoidance strategy. Journal of Mammalogy.
Charpentier MJE, Harté M, Poirotte C, Meric de Bellefon J, Laubi B, Kappeler PM, Renoult JP (in press) Same father, same face: deep learning reveals selection for signaling of kinship in a wild primate. Science Advances
Dore KM, Hansen MF, Klegarth AR, Fichtel C, Koch F, Springer A, Kappeler PM, Parga JA, Humle T, Colin C, Raballand E, Huang ZP, Qi XG, Di Fiore A, Link A, Stevenson PR, Stark DJ, Tan N, Gallagher CA, Anderson CJ, Campbell CJ, Kenyon M, Pebsworth P, Sprague D, Jones-Engel L, Fuentes A (in press) Review of GPS collar deployments and performance on nonhuman primates. Primates
Goodale E, Sridhar H, Sieving K, Bangal P, Colorado G, Farine D, Heymann EW, Jones H, Krams I, Martínez AE, Montańo-Centellas F, Muńoz J, Srinivasan U, Theo A, Shanker K
(in press) Mixed company: a framework for understanding the composition and organization of mixed-species animal groups. Biological Reviews.
Rudolph K, Fichtel C, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (in press) Dynamics and determinants of glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in wild Verreaux’s sifakas. Hormones & Behavior
Defolie C, Merkling T, Fichtel C (2020) Patterns and variation in the mammal parasite–glucorticoid relationship. Biological Reviews 3: 349.
Dolotovskaya S, Heymann EW (2020) Do less or eat more: strategies to cope with costs of parental care in a pair-living monkey. Animal Behaviour 163: 163-173.
Dolotovskaya S, Walker S, Heymann EW (2020) What makes a pair bond in a Neotropical primate: female and male contributions. Royal Society Open Science 7: 191489.
Dueker S, Kupsch D, Bobo SK, Heymann EW, Waltert M (2020) Congo Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus densities in oil palm plantation, agroforestry mosaic and protected forest in Southwest Cameroon. Bird Conservation International 30: 156-167.
Gogarten J F, Calvignac-Spencer S, Nunn C L, Ulrich M, Saiepour N, Nielsen H V, Deschner T, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Knauf S, Müller-Klein N, Ostner J, Robbins M M, Sangmaneedet S, Schülke O, Surbeck M, Wittig R M, Sliwa A, Strube C, Leendertz F H, Roos C, Noll A (2020) Metabarcoding of eukaryotic parasite communities describes diverse parasite assemblages spanning the primate phylogeny. Molecular Ecology Resources 142: 1095.
Hunnicutt KE, Tiley GP, Williams RC, Larsen PA, Blanco MB, Rasoloarison RM, Campbell1 CR, Zhu K, Weisrock DW, Matsunami H, and Yoder AD (2020) Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Pheromone Receptor Class 1 Family (V1R) Reveals Extreme Complexity in Mouse Lemurs (Genus, Microcebus) and a Chromosomal Hotspot across Mammals. Genome Biology and Evolution 12: 3562–3579.
Li J-H, Kappeler PM (2020) Social and Life History Strategies of Tibetan Macaques at Mt. Huangshan. In: Li J-H, Sun L und Kappeler PM (Hg.): The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque pp 17–46.
Prox L, Farine D (2020) A framework for conceptualizing dimensions of social organization in mammals. Ecology and Evolution 19: 141.
Sun L, Li J-H, Sueur C, Garber P A, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2020) Recent developments in primatology and their relevance to the study of tibetan macaques. In: Li J-H, Sun L und Kappeler P M (Hg.): The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque pp 3–16.
Wang X, Fichtel C, Li J-H (2020) Social relationships impact collective decision-making in Tibetan macaques. In: Li J-H, Sun L und Kappeler PM (Hg.): The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan Macaque pp 79–92.
Yi Y, Fichtel C, Kim E, Choe JC (2020) Impacts of Intergroup Interactions on Intragroup Behavioral Changes in Javan Gibbons (Hylobates moloch). International Journal of Primatology 283: 20161817.
to top2019
Altschul D M, Beran M J, Bohn M, Call J, DeTroy S, Duguid S J, Egelkamp C L, Fichtel C, Fischer J, Flessert M, Hanus D, Haun D B M, Haux L M, Hernandez-Aguilar R A, Herrmann E, Hopper L M, Joly M, Kano F, Keupp S, Melis A P, Motes Rodrigo A, Ross S R, Sánchez-Amaro A, Sato Y, Schmitt V, Schweinfurth M K, Seed A M, Taylor D, Völter C J, Warren E, Watzek J (2019) Establishing an infrastructure for collaboration in primate cognition research. PLoS ONE 14: e0223675.
Amoroso CR, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C, Nunn CL (2019) Fecal contamination, parasite risk, and waterhole use by wild animals in a dry deciduous forest. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 153
Binczik A, Roig-Boixeda P, Heymann EW, Waltert M (2019) Conservation of chimpanzees and other primates depends on forest patches in a West African savannah landscape. Oryx: 774-781.
Buil JMM, Peckre LR, Dörge M, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Scherberger H (2019) Remotely releasable collar mechanism for medium-sized mammals: an affordable technology to avoid multiple captures. Wildlife Biology 2019 (1): wlb.00581.
Dolotovskaya S, Flores Amasifuen C, Haas CE, Nummert F, Heymann EW (2019) Active anti-predator behaviour of red titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus). Primate Biology 6: 59–64.
Eckhardt F, Kraus C, Kappeler PM (2019) Life histories, demographies and population dynamics of three sympatric chameleon species (Furcifer spp.) from western Madagascar. Amphibia-Reptilia 40: 41–54.
Eckhardt F, Strube C, Mathes K A, Mutschmann F, Thiesler H, Kraus C, Kappeler PM (2019) Parasite burden in a short-lived chameleon, Furcifer labordi. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 10: 231–240.
Fabre AC, Peckre L, Pouydebat E, Wall CE (2019) Does the shape of the forelimb long bones covary with grasping behaviour in strepsirrhine primates? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127: 649-660.
Gelmi-Candusso TA, Bialozyt R, Slana D, Zárate Gómez R, Heymann EW, Heer K (2019) Estimating seed dispersal distance: A comparison of methods using animal movement and plant genetic data on two primate-dispersed Neotropical plant species. Ecology and Evolution 9: 8965–8977.
Gelmi-Candusso TA, Hämäläinen AM (2019) Seeds and the City: The Interdependence of Zoochory and Ecosystem Dynamics in Urban Environments. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 201606034.
Heymann EW (2019) Book Review: Primates in Flooded Forests: Ecology and Conservation. International Journal of Primatology 40 744–746.
Heymann EW (2019) Editorial: Ecotropica is back. Ecotropica 21: 201901.
Heymann EW, Culot L, Knogge C, Smith AC, Tirado Herrera ER, Müller B, Stojan-Dolar M, Lledo Ferrer Y, Kubisch P, Kupsch D, Slana D, Koopmann ML, Ziegenhagen B, Bialozyt R, Mengel C, Hambuckers J, Heer K (2019) Small Neotropical primates promote the natural regeneration of anthropogenically disturbed areas. Scientific Reports 9:10356.
Hofman MPG, Hayward MW, Heim M, Marchand P, Rolandsen CM, Mattisson J, Urbano F, Heurich M, Mysterud A, Melzheimer J, Morellet N, Voigt U, Allen BL, Gehr B, Rouco C, Ullmann W, Holand Ř, Jřrgensen NH, Steinheim G, Cagnacci F, Kroeschel M, Kaczensky P, Buuveibaatar B, Payne JC, Palmegiani I, Jerina K, Kjellander P, Johansson Ö, LaPoint S, Bayrakcismith R, Linnell JDC, Zaccaroni M, Jorge MLS, Oshima JEF, Songhurst A, Fischer C, Mc Bride Jr. RT, Thompson JJ, Streif S, Sandfort R, Bonenfant C, Drouilly M, Klapproth M, Zinner D, Yarnell R, Stronza A, Wilmott L, Meisingset E, Thaker M, Vanak AT, Nicoloso S, Graeber R, Said S, Boudreau MR, Devlin A, Hoogesteijn R, May-Junior JA, Nifong JC, Odden J, Quigley HB, Tortato F, Parker DM, Caso A, Perrine J, Tellaeche C, Zieba F, Zwijacz-Kozica T, Appel CL, Axsom I, Bean WT, Cristescu B, Périquet S, Teichman KJ, Karpanty S, Licoppe A, Menges V, Black K, Scheppers TL, Schai-Braun SC, Azevedo FC, Lemos FG, Payne A, Swanepoel LH, Weckworth BV, Berger A, Bertassoni A, McCulloch G, Šustr P, Athreya V, Bockmuhl D, Casaer J, Ekori A, Melovski D, Richard-Hansen C, van de Vyver D, Reyna-Hurtado R, Robardet E, Selva N, Sergiel A, Farhadinia MS, Sunde P, Portas R, Ambarli H, Berzins R, Kappeler PM, Mann GK, Pyritz L, Bissett C, Grant T, Steinmetz R, Swedell L, Welch RJ, Armenteras D, Bidder OR, González TM, Rosenblatt A, Kachel S, Balkenhol N (2019) Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. PLoS ONE 14: e0216223.
Kappeler PM (2019): A Comparative and Evolutionary Perspective on Sacrifice and Cooperation. In: Pally M (Hg.): Mimesis and sacrifice. Applying Girard's mimetic theory across the disciplines. London: Bloomsbury Academic (Violence, desire, and the sacred) pp 37–50.
Kappeler PM (2019) A framework for studying social complexity. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 13.
Kappeler PM (2019): Nähe mit Licht und Schatten. forschung - Mitteilungen der DFG 44: 25–29.
Kappeler PM, Clutton-Brock T, Shultz S, Lukas D (2019) Social complexity: patterns, processes and evolution. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiololgy 73: 5.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2019) Soziale Ungleichheit: Ein Paradebeispiel für interdisziplinäre anthropologische Forschung. In: Hartung G und Herrgen M (Hg.). Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Jahrbuch 7/2019: Soziale Ungleichheit pp 87–95.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2019) Soziale Ungleichheit: Muster, Mechanismen und Konsequenzen in Primatengesellschaften. In: Hartung G und Herrgen M (Hg.). Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Jahrbuch 7/2019: Soziale Ungleichheit pp 3–31.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C, van Schaik CP (2019) There Ought to Be Roots. In: Roughley N und Bayertz K (Hg.). Evolutionary Precursors of Social Norms and Conventions in Non-Human Primates: The normative animal? On the anthropological significance of social, moral, and linguistic norms pp 62–82.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C, Vugt M, Smith JE (2019) Female leadership: A transdisciplinary perspective. Evolutionary Anthropology 28: 160–163.
Kappeler PM, Nunn CL, Vining AQ, Goodman SM (2019) Evolutionary dynamics of sexual size dimorphism in non-volant mammals following their independent colonization of Madagascar. Scientific Reports 9: 1454.
Noonan MJ, Tucker MA, Fleming CH, Akre T, Alberts SC, Ali AH, Altmann J, Castro Antunes PC, Belant JL, Berens D, Beyer D, Blaum N, Böhning-Gaese K, Cullen Jr. L, Cunha de Paula R, Jasja Dekker J, Drescher-Lehman J, Farwig N, Fichtel C, Fischer C, Ford A, Goheen JR, Janssen R, Jeltsch F, Kauman M, Kappeler PM, Koch F, LaPoint S, Markham AC, Medici EP, Morato RG, Nathan R, Oliveira-Santos LGR, Patterson BD, Paviolo A, Ramalho EE, Roesner S, Selva N, Sergiel NA, Silva MX, Spiegel O, Ullmann W, Zieba F, Zwijacz-Kozica T, Fagan WF, Mueller T, Calabrese JM (2019) An analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation. Ecological Monographs 89: e01344.
Peckre LR, Fabre A-C, Hambuckers J, Wall CE, Socias-Martínez L, Pouydebat E (2019) Food properties influence grasping strategies in strepsirrhines. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127: 583–597.
Peckre LR, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2019) Clarifying and expanding the social complexity hypothesis for communicative complexity. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiololgy 73: 11.
Peckre LR, Lowie A, Brewer D, Ehmke E, Welser K, Shaw E, Wall C, Pouydebat E, Fabre A-C (2019) Food mobility and the evolution of grasping behaviour: a case study in strepsirrhine primates. Journal of Experimental Biology jeb.207688.
Peichl L, Kaiser A, Rakotondraparany F, Dubielzig RR, Goodman SM, Kappeler PM (2019) Diversity of photoreceptor arrangements in nocturnal, cathemeral and diurnal malagasy lemurs. Journal of Comparative Neurology 527: 13-37.
Poirotte C, Kappeler PM (2019) Hygienic personalities in wild grey mouse lemurs vary adaptively with sex. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286
Rasolofoniaina B, Razafy P, Andrianarimisa A, Razafimahatratra E, Kappeler PM (2019) Feeding ecology of the bokiboky, Mungotictis decemlineata (family Eupleridae). Malagasy Nature 13: 152–161.
Rudolph K, Fichtel C, Schneider D, Heistermann M, Koch F, Daniel R, Kappeler PM (2019) One size fits all? Relationships among group size, health, and ecology indicate a lack of an optimal group size in a wild lemur population Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:132.
Socias-Martínez L, Kappeler PM (2019) Catalyzing Transitions to Sociality: Ecology Builds on Parental Care. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 154.
Souza-Alves JP, Mourthe I, Hilário RR, Bicca-Marques JC, Rehg J, Gestich CC, Acero-Murcia AC, Adret P, Aquino R, Berthet M, Bowler M, Calouro AM, Canale GR, Cardoso NdA, Caselli CB, Cäsar C, Chagas RRD, Clyvia A, Corsini CF, Defler T, Deluycker A, Di Fiore A, Dingess K, Erkenswick G, Ferreira MA, Fernandez-Duque E, Ferrari SF, Fontes IP, Gomes JD, Gonçalves FPR, Guerra M, Haugaasen T, Heiduck S, Heymann EW, Hodges S, Huashuayo-Llamocca R, Jerusalinsky L, Kasper CB, Lawrence J, Lueffe TM, Lopes KGD, Martínez J, Melo FR de, Messias MR, Nagy-Reis MB, Nole I, Pacięncia F, Palacios E, Poirier A, Porfírio G, Porter A, Price E, Printes RC, Quintino EP, Reis EA, Rocha A, Rodríguez A, Röhe F, Rumiz D, Shanee S, Santana MM, Setz EZF, Souza FSC de, Spironello W, Tirado Herrera ER, Vinhas L, Vulinec K, Wallace RB, Watsa M, Wright PC, Young RJ, Barnett AA (2019) Terrestrial Behavior in Titi Monkeys (Callicebus, Cheracebus, and Plecturocebus): Potential Correlates, Patterns, and Differences between Genera. International Journal of Primatology 40: 553-572.
Sperber AL, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2019) Should I stay or should I go? Individual movement decisions during group departures in red-fronted lemurs. Royal Society Open Science 6: 180991.
Anania A, Salmona J, Rasolondraibe E, Jan F, Chikhi L, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Rasoloarison R (2018) Taboo adherence and presence of Perrier’s sifaka (Propithecus perrieri) in Andrafiamena forest. Madagascar Conservation & Development 13: 6-14
Bernaldo de Quirós E, Wheeler B C, Hammerschmidt K, Heistermann M, Tiddi B (2018) Do sexual calls in female black capuchin monkeys (Sapajus nigritus) vary with fertility? An acoustic analysis. American Journal of Primatology 80: e22920.
Cauchoix M, Chow PKY, van Horik JO, Atance CM, Barbeau EJ, Barragan-Jason G, Bize P, Boussard A, Buechel SD, Cabirol A, Cauchard L, Claidière N, Dalesman S, Devaud JM, Didic M, Doligez B, Fagot J, Fichtel C, Henke-von der Malsburg J, Hermer E, Huber L, Huebner F, Kappeler PM, Klein S, Langbein J, Langley EJG, Lea SEG, Lihoreau M, Lovlie H, Matzel LD, Nakagawa S, Nawroth C, Oesterwind S, Sauce B, Smith EA, Sorato E, Tebbich S, Wallis LJ, Whiteside MA, Wilkinson A, Chaine AS, Morand-Ferron J (2018). The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373: 20170281
Charpentier MJE, Givalois L, Faurie C, Soghessa O, Simon F, Kappeler PM (2018) Seasonal glucocorticoid production correlates with a suite of small-magnitude environmental, demographic, and physiological effects in mandrills. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 165: 20–33.
Charpentier MJE, Kappeler PM (2018) A reply to “Ranging behavior drives parasite richness: A more parsimonious hypothesis”. Rethinking Ecology 3: 19-24.
Culot L, Huynen M-C, Heymann EW (2018) Primates and dung beetles: two dispersers are better than one in secondary forest. International Journal of Primatology 39: 397-414.
Fichtel C, Schnoell AV, Kappeler PM (2018) Measuring social tolerance: An experimental approach in two lemurid primates. Ethology 124: 65-73.
Göbel M, Heymann EW (2018) Ecological observations on the primates of the Area de Conservación Privada Panguana, Peruvian Amazonia. Neotropical Primates 24:49-55.
Henke-von der Malsburg J, Fichtel C (2018) Are generalists more innovative than specialists? A comparison of innovative abilities in two wild sympatric mouse lemur species. Royal Society Open Science 5: 180480.
Heymann EW (2018) Tamarine – die etwas anderen Primaten. Biologie in unserer Zeit 49: 113-118.
Huebner F, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2018) Linking cognition with fitness in a wild primate: Fitness correlates of problem-solving performance and spatial learning ability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373 doi:10.1098/rstb.2017.0295.
Kittler K, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2018) Instrumental problem-solving abilities in three lemur species. Journal of Comparative Psychology 132: 306-314.
Lüffe TM, Tirado Herrera ER, Nadjafzadeh M, Berles P, Smith AC, Knogge C, Heymann EW (2018) Seasonal variation and an “outbreak” of frog predation by tamarins. Primates 59: 549-552.
Peckre L, Defolie C, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2018) Potential self-medication using millipede secretions in red-fronted lemurs: combining anointment and ingestion for a joint action against gastrointestinal parasites? Primates 59: 483-494.
Rakotonirina H, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2018) The role of facial pattern variation for species recognition in red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons). BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:19.
Sehner S, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2018) Primate tails: Ancestral state reconstruction and determinants of interspecific variation in primate tail length. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 167: 750-759.
Stojan-Dolar M, Flores Amasifuén C, Heymann EW (2018) A failed immigration attempt by a moustached tamarin, Saguinus mystax. Neotropical Primates 24: 27-29.
Tucker MA, Böhning-Gaese K, Fagan WF, Fryxell JM, Van Moorter B, Alberts SC, Ali AH, Allen AM, Attias N, Avgar T, Bartlam-Brooks H, Bayarbaatar B, Belant JL, Bertassoni A, Beyer D, Bidner L, van Beest FM, Blake S, Blaum N, Bracis C, Brown D, de Bruyn PJN, Cagnacci F, Calabrese JM, Camilo-Alves C, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Chiaradia A, Davidson SC, Dennis T, DeStefano S, Diefenbach D, Douglas-Hamilton I, Fennessy J, Fichtel C, Fiedler W, Fischer C, Fischhoff I, Fleming CH, Ford AT, Fritz SA, Gehr B, Goheen JR, Gurarie E, Hebblewhite M, Heurich M, Hewison AJM, Hof C, Hurme E, Isbell LA, Janssen R, Jeltsch F, Kaczensky P, Kane A, Kappeler PM, Kauffman M, Kays R, Kimuyu D, Koch F, Kranstauber B, LaPoint S, Leimgruber P, Linnell JDC, López-López P, Markham AC, Mattisson J, Medici EP, Mellone U, Merrill E, de MirandaMourão G, Morato RG, Morellet N, Morrison TA, Díaz-Muñoz SL, Mysterud A, Nandintsetseg D, Nathan R, Niamir A, Odden J, O’Hara RB, Oliveira-Santos LGR, Olson KA, Patterson BD, Cunha de Paula R, Pedrotti L, Reineking B, Rimmler M, Rogers TL, Rolandsen CM, Rosenberry CS, Rubenstein DI, Safi K, Saïd S, Sapir N, Sawyer N, Schmidt NM, Selva N, Sergiel A, Shiilegdamba E, Silva JP, Singh N, Solberg EJ, Spiegel O, Strand O, Sundaresan S, Ullmann W, Voigt U, Wall J, Wattles D, Wikelski M, Wilmers CC, Wilson JW, Wittemyer G, Zięba F, Zwijacz-Kozica T, Mueller T (2018) Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359: 466–469.
Veron G, Dupré D, Lührs M-L, Kappeler PM, Dollar L, Pomerantz J, Goodman SM (2018) Genetic polymorphism and structure of wild and zoo populations of the fosa (Eupleridae, Carnivora), the largest living carnivoran of Madagascar. Mammalian Biology 92: 68-77.
to top2017
Beaulieu M, Benoit L, Abaga S, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2017) Mind the cell: Seasonal variation in telomere length mirrors changes in leucocyte profile. Molecular Ecology 26: 5603-5613.
Charpentier MJE, Harté M, Ngoubangoye B, Herbert A, Kappeler PM (2017) Visual discrimination of kin in mandrills. Ethology 123: 251–259.
Eckhardt F, Kappeler PM, Kraus C (2017) Highly variable lifespan in an annual reptile, Labord's chameleon (Furcifer labordi). Scientific Reports 7: 11397.
Estrada A, Garber PA, Rylands AB, Roos C, Fernandez-Duque E, Di Fiore A, Nekaris KAI, Nijman V, Heymann EW, Lambert JE, Rovero F, Barelli C, Setchell JM, Gillespie TR, Mittermeier RA, Arregoitia LV, de Guinea M, Gouveia S, Dobrovolski R, Shanee S, Shanee N, Boyle S, Fuentes A, MacKinnon KC, Amato KR, Meyer ALS, Wich S, Sussman RW, Pan R, Kone I, Li B (2017) Impending extinction crisis of the world’s primates: why primates matter. Science Advances 3: e1600946.
Flores Amasifuén C, Heymann EW (2017) Toucan predation attempt on a Neotropical pygmy squirrel. Mammalia 81: 527-528.
Ganzhorn JU, Arrigo-Nelson SJ, Carrai V, Chalise MK, Donatti G, Droescher I, Eppley TM, Irwin MT, Koch F, Koenig A, Kowalewski MM, Mowry CB, Patel ER, Pichon C, Ralison J, Reisdorff C, Simmen B, Stalenberg E, Starrs D, Terboven J, Wright PC, Foley W (2017) The importance of protein in leaf selection of folivorous primates. American Journal of Primatology 79: e22550.
Gelmi-Candusso T, Heymann EW, Heer K (2017) Effects of zoochory on the spatial genetic structure of plant populations. Molecular Ecology 26: 5896–5910.
Hemelrijk CK, Kappeler PM, Puga-Gonzalez I (2017) The self-organization of social complexity in group-living animals: Lessons from the DomWorld model. In M. Naguib, J. Podos, L. W. Simmons, L. Barrett, S. Healy, & M. Zuk (Eds.), Advances in the Study of Behavior pp. 361–405.
Heymann EW (2017) Forest regeneration (role of primates in). In: The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Fuentes A (ed). Springer, New York, pp 428-429.
Heymann EW, Culot L, Knogge C, Noriega Piña TE, Tirado Herrera ER, Klapproth M, Zinner D (2017) Long-term consistency in spatial patterns of primate seed dispersal. Ecology and Evolution 7: 1435-1441.
Huashuayo-Llamocca R, Heymann EW (2017) Fur-rubbing with Piper leaves in the San Martín titi monkey, Callicebus oenanthe. Primate Biology 4: 127-130.
Huchard E, Schliehe-Diecks S, Kappeler PM, Kraus C (2017) The inbreeding strategy of a solitary primate, Microcebus murinus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 128–140.
Jacobs RL, MacFie TS, Spriggs AN, Baden AL, Morelli TL, Irwin MT, Lawler RR, Pastorini J, Mayor M, Lei R, Culligan R, Hawkins MTR, Kappeler PM, Wright PC, Louis Jr EE, Mundy NI, Bradley BJ (2017) Novel opsin gene variation in large-bodied, diurnal lemurs. Biology Letters 13: 20170050.
Jennions M, Székely T, Beissinger SR, Kappeler PM (2017) Sex ratios. Current Biology 27, R785–R795
Kaesler E, Kappeler PM, Brameier M, Demeler J, Kraus C, Rakotoniaina JH, Hämäläinen AM, Huchard E (2017) Shared evolutionary origin of major histocompatibility complex polymorphism in sympatric lemurs. Molecular Ecology 26: 5629-5645.
Kappeler PM (2017) Sex roles and adult sex ratios: insights from mammalian biology and consequences for primate behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372: 20160321.
Kappeler PM, Cuozzo FP, Fichtel C, Ganzhorn JU, Gursky-Doyen S, Irwin MT, Ichino S, Lawler R, Nekaris KAI, Ramanamanjato J-P, Radespiel U, Sauther ML, Wright PC, Zimmermann E (2017) Long-term field studies of lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers. Journal of Mammalogy 98: 661–669.
Koch F, Ganzhorn JU, Rothman JM, Chapman CA, Fichtel C (2017) Sex and seasonal differences in diet and nutrient intake in Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi). American Journal of Primatology 79: e22595.
Masters JC, Génin F, Couette S, Grovess CP, Nash SD, Delpero M, Pozzi L (2017) A new genus for the eastern dwarf galagos (Primates: Galagidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 181: 229-241.
Poirotte C, Benhamou S, Mandjembe A, Willaume E, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2017) Gastrointestinal parasitism and recursive movements in free-ranging mandrills. Animal Behaviour 134: 87-98.
Poirotte C, Massol F, Herbert A, Willaume E, Bomo PM, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2017) Mandrills use olfaction to socially avoid parasitized conspecifics. Science Advances 3: e1601721.
Rakotoniaina JH, Kappeler PM, Kaesler E, Hämäläinen AM, Kirschbaum C, Kraus C (2017) Hair cortisol concentrations correlate negatively with survival in a wild primate population. BMC Ecology 17: 30
Rakotonirina H, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2017) Evolution of facial color pattern complexity in lemurs. Scientific Reports 7: 15181.
Rudolph K, Fichtel C (2017) Inhibitory control in douc langurs (Pygathrix nemaeus and P. cinerea). Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 2: 73-81.
Schacht R, Kramer KL, Székely T, Kappeler PM (2017) Adult sex ratios and reproductive strategies: a critical reexamination of sex differences in human and animal societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372: 20160309.
Silk JB, Kappeler PM (2017) Sociality in Primates. In: Rubenstein D R und Abbot P (Hg.): Comparative Social Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: pp 253–283
Sperber AL, Werner LM, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2017) Grunt to go - Vocal coordination of group movements in redfronted lemurs. Ethology 123: 894-905.
Springer A, Fichtel C, Al-Ghalith GA, Koch F, Amato KR, Clayton JB, Knights D, Kappeler PM (2017) Patterns of seasonality and group membership characterize the gut microbiota in a longitudinal study of wild Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi). Ecology & Evolution 7: 5732-5745.
Springer A, Kappeler PM, Nunn CL (2017) Dynamic vs. static social networks in models of parasite transmission: predicting Cryptosporidium spread in wild lemurs. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 419–433.
Zinner D, Keller C, Nyahongo J W, Butynski T M, de Jong Y A, Pozzi L, Knauf S, Liedigk R, Roos C (2017) Distribution of mitochondrial clades and morphotypes of baboons Papio spp. (Primates: Cercopithecidae) in eastern Africa. Journal of East African Natural History 104: 143–168
to top2016
Corso J, Bowler M, Heymann EW, Roos C, Mundy NI (2016) Highly polymorphic colour vision in a New World monkey with red facial skin, the bald uakari (Cacajao calvus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160067.
Denapaite D, Rieger M, Köndgen S, Brückner R, Ochigava I, Kappeler P, Mätz-Rensing K, Leendertz F, Hakenbeck R (2016) Highly variable Streptococcus oralis strains are common among viridans streptococci isolated from primates. mSphere 1: e00041-15.
Dröscher I, Rothman JM, Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (2016) Nutritional consequences of folivory in a small-bodied lemur (Lepilemur leucopus): Effects of season and reproduction on nutrient balancing. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160: 197-207
Heymann EW (2016) Helper at the nest among nonhuman primates. In: Shackelford TK und Weekes-Shackelford V. A. (Hg.): Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science.: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Heymann EW (2016) Speaking of which: odour communication in tamarins. In: The missing lemur link: ancestral steps in human evolution. Palagi E, Norscia I (eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 9-13.
Hotaling S, Foley ME, Lawrence NM, Bocanegra J, Blanco MB, Rasoloarison RM, Kappeler PM, Barrett MA, Yoder AD, Weisrock DW (2016) Species discovery and validation in a cryptic radiation of endangered primates: coalescent-based species delimitation in Madagascar's mouse lemurs. Molecular Ecology 25: 2029–2045.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2016) The Evolution of Eulemur Social Organization. International Journal of Primatology 37: 10-28.
Kittler K, Dietzel S (2016) Female infanticide and female-directed lethal targeted aggression in a group of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Primate Biology 3: 41-46.
Koch F, Signer J, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2016) Intergroup encounters in Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi): who fights and why? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 797-808.
Koch F, Signer J, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2016) The role of the residence-effect on the outcome of intergroup encounters in Verreaux's sifakas. Scientific reports 6: 28457
Nevo O, Heymann EW, Schulz S, Ayasse M (2016) Fruit odor as a ripeness signal for seed-dispersing primates? A case study on four Neotropical plant species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42: 323-328.
Poirotte C, Basset D, Willaume E, Makaba F, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2016) Environmental and individual determinants of parasite richness across seasons in a free-ranging population of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159: 442–456.
Poirotte C, Kappeler PM, Ngoubangoye B, Bourgeois S, Moussodji M, Charpentier MJE (2016) Morbid attraction to leopard urine in Toxoplasma-infected chimpanzees. Current Biology 26: R98 - R99.
Pozzi L (2016) The role of forest expansion and contraction in species diversification among galagos (Primates: Galagidae). Journal of Biogeography 43: 1930-1941.
Rakotoniaina JH, Kappeler PM, Ravoniarimbinina P, Pechouskova E, Hämäläinen AM, Grass J, Kirschbaum C, Kraus C (2016) Does habitat disturbance affect stress, body condition and parasitism in two sympatric lemurs? Conservation Physiology 4: cow034.
Rakotonirina H, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2016) The role of acoustic signals for species recognition in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons). BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 100.
Rylands AB, Heymann EW, Matauschek C, Lynch Alfaro J, Roos C, Buckner J, Boubli JP, Sampaio R, Mittermeier RA (2016) Taxonomic review of the New World tamarins (Primates: Callitrichidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 177: 1003-1028.
Schneider TC, Kappeler PM, Pozzi L (2016) Genetic population structure and relatedness in the narrow-striped mongoose (Mungotictis decemlineata), a social Malagasy carnivore with sexual segregation. Ecology and Evolution 6: 3734-3749.
Schneider TC, Kappeler PM (2016) Gregarious sexual segregation: the unusual social organization of the Malagasy narrow-striped mongoose (Mungotictis decemlineata). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 913-926.
Springer A, Kappeler PM (2016) Intestinal parasite communities of six sympatric lemur species at Kirindy Forest, Madagascar. Primate Biology 3: 51–63.
Springer A, Mellmann A, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2016) Social structure and Escherichia coli sharing in a group‑living wild primate, Verreaux’s sifaka. BMC Ecology 16: 6.
Yoder AD, Campbell CR, Blanco MB, dos Reis M, Ganzhorn JU, Goodman SM, Hunnicutt KE, Larsen PA, Kappeler PM, Rasoloarison RM, Ralison JM, Swofford DL, Weisrock DW (2016) Geogenetic patterns in mouse lemurs (genus: Microcebus) reveal the ghosts of Madagascar's forests past. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 8049-8056.
to top2015
Brockmeyer T, Kappeler PM, Willaume E, Benoit L, Mboumba S, Charpentier MJE (2015) Social organization and space use of a wild mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) group. American Journal of Primatology 77: 1036-1048.
Culot L, Huynen M-C, Heymann EW (2015) Partitioning the relative contribution of one-phase and two-phase seed dispersal when evaluating seed dispersal effectiveness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 178-186.
Gamero A, Kappeler P (2015) Always together: mate guarding or predator avoidance as determinants of group cohesion in white-breasted mesites? Journal of Avian Biology 46: 378-384.
Gamero A, Kappeler PM (2015) Slow development of foraging skills and parental costs of family-living in a semi-precocial, non-cooperatively breeding bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 1301-1309.
Gamero A, Senar JC, Hohtola E, Nilsson J-Â, Broglis J (2015) Population differences in the structure and coloration of great tit contour feathers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114: 82–91.
Hämäläinen A, Dammhahn M, Aujard F, Kraus C (2015) Losing grip: Senescent decline in physical strength in a small-bodied primate in captivity and in the wild. Experimental Gerontology 61: 54-61.
Hämäläinen A, Heistermann M, Kraus C (2015) The stress of growing old: sex- and season-specific effects of age on allostatic load in wild gray mouse lemurs. Oecologia 178: 1063-1075.
Hämäläinen A, Raharivololona B, Ravoniarimbinina P, Kraus C (2015) Host sex and age influence endoparasite burdens in the gray mouse lemur. Frontiers in Zoology 12: 25.
Heymann EW, Ganzhorn JU (2015) History of primate behavioural and ecological field research at the German Primate Center. Primate Biology 2: 73–80.
Heymann EW, Hsia SS (2015) Unlike fellows – a review of primate–non-primate associations. Biological Reviews 90: 142-156.
Higham JP, Kraus C, Stahl-Hennig C, Engelhardt A, Fuchs D, Heistermann M (2015) Evaluating noninvasive markers of nonhuman primate immune activation and inflammation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 158: 673-684.
Hübner F, Fichtel C (2015) Innovation and behavioral flexibility in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) Animal Cognition 18: 777-787.
Kappeler PM, Cremer S, Nunn CL (2015) Sociality and health: impacts of sociality on disease susceptibility and transmission in animal and human societies. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 370: 20140116.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2015) Eco-evo-devo of the lemur syndrome: did adaptive behavioral plasticity get canalized in a large primate radiation? Frontiers in Zoology 12(Suppl 1): S15.
Kittler K, Schnoell AV, Fichtel C (2015) Cognition in Ring-Tailed Lemurs. Folia Primatologica 86: 106–116.
Kulp J, Heymann EW (2015) Ranging, activity budget and diet composition of red titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) in primary forest and forest edge. Primates 56: 273-278.
Levréro F, Carrete-Vega G, Herbert A, Lawabi I, Courtiol A, Willaume E, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2015) Social shaping of voices does not impair phenotype matching of kinship in mandrills. Nature Communications 6: 7609.
Nevo O, Heymann EW (2015) Led by the nose: olfaction in primate foraging ecology. Evolutionary Anthropology 24: 137-148.
Nevo O, Orts Garri R, Hernandez Salazar LT, Schulz S, Heymann EW, Ayasse M, Laska M (2015) Chemical recognition of fruit ripeness in spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Scientific Reports 5: 14895.
Nunn CL, Craft ME, Gillespie TR, Schaller M, Kappeler PM (2015) The sociality–health–fitness nexus: synthesis, conclusions and future directions. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 370: 20140115.
Pechouskova E, Dammhahn M, Brameier M, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Huchard E (2015) MHC class II variation in a rare and ecological specialist mouse lemur reveals lower allelic richness and contrasting selection patterns compared to a generalist and widespread sympatric congener. Immunogenetics 67: 229-245.
Pozzi L, Nekaris KAI, Perkin A, Bearder SK, Pimley ER, Schulze H, Streicher U, Nadler T, Kitchener A, Zischler H, Zinner D, Roos C (2015). Remarkable Ancient Divergences Amongst Neglected Lorisiform Primates. Zoological Journal of Linnean Society 175: 661-674.
Rathke E-M, Nevo O (2015) Short-term learning of olfactory discrimation tasks in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Neotropical Primates 22: 12-18.
Rimbach R, Bisanzio D, Galvis N, Link A, Di Fiore A, Gillespie TR (2015) Brown spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus): A model for differentiating the role of social networks and physical contact on parasite transmission dynamics. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 370: 20140110.
Rode-Margono EJ, Nekaris KAI, Kappeler PM, Schwitzer C (2015) Brief Communication: The Largest Relative Testis Size Among Primates and Aseasonal Reproduction in a Nocturnal Lemur, Mirza zaza. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 158: 165-169.
Schäffler L, Saborowski J, Kappeler PM (2015) Agent-mediated spatial storage effect in heterogeneous habitat stabilizes competitive mouse lemur coexistence in Menabe Central, Western Madagascar. BMC Ecology 15:7
Springer A, Fichtel C, Calvignac-Spencer S, Leendertz FH, Kappeler PM (2015): Hemoparasites in a wild primate: Infection patterns suggest interaction of Plasmodium and Babesia in a lemur species. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 4: 385–395.
Springer A, Razafimanantsoa L, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2015) Comparison of three short-term immobilization regimes in wild Verreaux's Sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi): Ketamin-Xylazine, Ketamine-Xylazine-Atropin, and Tiletamine-Zolazepam. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 46: 482-490.
Vuarin P, Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM, Henry P-Y (2015) When to initiate torpor use? Food availability times the transition to winter phenotype in a tropical heterotherm. Oecologia 179: 43-53.
to top2014
Aquino R, López L, García G, Heymann EW (2014) Diversity, abundance and habitats of primates on the Río Curaray, Peruvian Amazonia. Primate Conservation 28: 1-8
Beaulieu M, Mboumba S, Willaume E, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2014) The oxidative cost of unstable social dominance. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2629-2632.
Benoit L, Mboumba S, Willaume S, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2014) Using next-generation sequencing methods to isolate and characterize 24 simple sequence repeat loci in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). Conservation Genetics Resources 6: 903-905.
Bialozyt R, Flinkerbusch S, Niggemann M, Heymann EW (2014) Predicting seed shadows of a Neotropical tree species by primates using an agent based model with internal decision-making on movement. Ecological Modelling 278:74-84.
Bialozyt R, Luettmann K, Michalczyk IM, Pinedo Saboya PP, Ziegenhagen B, Heymann EW (2014) Primate seed dispersal leaves spatial genetic imprint throughout subsequent life stages of the Neotropical tree Parkia panurensis. Trees, Structure and Function 28: 1569-1575.
Burkart JM, Allon O, Amici F, Fichtel C, Finkenwirth C, Heschl A, Huber J, Isler K, Kosonen ZK, Martins E, Meulman EJ, Richiger R, Rueth K, Spillmann B, Wiesendanger S & van Schaik CP (2014) The evolutionary origin of human hyper-cooperation. Nature Communications5:4747.
Dammhahn M, Goodman SM (2014) Trophic niche differentiation and microhabitat utilization revealed by stable isotope analyses in a dry-forest bat assemblage at Ankarana, northern Madagascar. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30: 97-109.
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2014) Stable Isotope Analyses Reveal Dense Trophic Species Packing and Clear Niche Differentiation in a Malagasy Primate Community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153: 249-259.
Dittmann MT, Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2014) The impact of selective logging on behavior and ecology of Aphaenogaster swammerdami (Formicidae): 20 years later – a happy ant? Malagasy Nature 8: 35-48.
Dröscher I, Kappeler PM (2014) Competition for food in a solitarily foraging folivorous primate (Lepilemur leucopus)? American Journal of Primatology 76: 842-854.
Dröscher I, Kappeler PM (2014) Maintenance of familiarity and social bonding via communal latrine use in a solitary primate (Lepilemur leucopus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 2043-2058.
Fichtel C (2014) Acoustic differences in loud calls of Decken's and Crowned sifakas. Primate Conservation 28: 85-91.
Galbany J, Romero A, Mayo-Alesón M, Itsoma F, Gamarra B, Pérez-Pérez A, Willaume E, Kappeler PM, Charpentier MJE (2014) Age-Related Tooth Wear Differs between Forest and Savanna Primates. PLoS ONE 9: e94938
Gamero A, Székely T, Kappeler PM (2014) Delayed juvenile dispersal and monogamy, but no cooperative breeding in white-breasted mesites (Mesitornis variegata). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 73-83.
Hämäläinen A, Dammhahn M, Aujard F, Eberle M, Hardy I, Kappeler PM, Perret M, Schliehe-Diecks S, Kraus C (2014) Senescence or selective disappearance? Age trajectories of body mass in wild and captive populations of a small-bodied primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20140830
Hämäläinen A, Heistermann M, Fenosoa ZS, Kraus C (2014) Evaluating capture stress in wild gray mouse lemurs via repeated fecal sampling: method validation and the influence of prior experience and handling protocols on stress responses. General and Comparative Endocrinology 195:68-79.
Heymann EW, Wörner LLB, Ziegenhagen B, Bialozyt R (2014) Research trails affect the abundance of an epiphytic tropical bromeliad. Biotropica 46: 166-169
Huchard E, Pechouskova E (2014) The Major Histocompatibility Complex and Primate Behavioral Ecology: New Tools and Future Questions. International Journal of Primatology 35: 11-31.
Kappeler PM (2014) Lemur behaviour informs the evolution of social monogamy. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 29: 591-593.
Kappeler PM (2014) Studying lemurs on three continents. In: Strier KB (ed) Primate Ethnographies. Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Kraus C, van Waveren C, Huebner F (2014) Distractible dogs, constant cats? A test of the distraction hypothesis in two domestic species. Animal Behaviour 93: 173-181.
Kupsch D, Waltert M, Heymann EW (2014) Forest type affects prey foraging of saddleback tamarins, Saguinus nigrifrons. Primates 55: 403-413.
Liker A, Freckleton RP, Székely T (2014) Divorce and Infidelity Are Associated with Skewed Adult Sex Ratios in Birds. Current Biology 24: 880–884.
Lührs M-L, Kappeler PM (2014) Polyandrous mating in treetops: how male competition and female choice interact to determine an unusual carnivore mating system. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 879-889.
Nunn CL, Thrall PH, Kappeler PM (2014) Shared resources and disease dynamics in spatially structured populations. Ecological Modelling 272: 198–207.
Pozzi L, Bergey CM, Burrel AS (2014) The Use (and Misuse) of Phylogenetic Trees in Comparative Behavioral Analyses. International Journal of Primatology 35: 32-54.
Pozzi L, Disotell TR, Masters JC (2014) A multilocus phylogeny reveals deep lineages within African galagids (Primates: Galagidae) BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:72.
Pozzi L, Hodgson JA, Burrell AS, Sterner KN, Raaum RL, Disotell TR (2014) Primate phylogenetic relationships and divergence dates inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 75: 165–183.
Rambeloson RV, Razanabolana JR, Kappeler PM (2014) Etude des parasites intestinaux chez Propithecus verreauxi (Grandidier, 1867) avant et après la période de mise-bas. Lemur News 18: 61-67.
Rimbach R, Link A, Montes-Rojas A, Di Fiore A, Heistermann M, Heymann EW (2014) Behavioral and physiological responses to fruit availability of spider monkeys ranging in a small forest fragment. American Journal of Primatology 76: 1049-1061.
Ripperger SP, Heymann EW, Tschapka M, Kalko EKV (2014) Fruit characteristics associated with fruit preferences in frugivorous bats (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae and Carolliinae) and saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis) in Perú. Ecotropica 20: 53-64.
Schäffler L, Kappeler PM (2014) Distribution and Abundance of the World's Smallest Primate, Microcebus berthae, in Central Western Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 35: 557-572.
Schäffler L, Kappeler PM (2014) Distribution and abundance of three cheirogaleid species in Menabe Central, western Madagascar. Lemur News 18: 38-43.
Schneider TC, Kappeler PM (2014) Social systems and life-history characteristics of mongooses. Biological Reviews 89: 173-198.
Schnoell AV (2014) An extensive case of allonursing in wild ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Lemur News 18: 20-22.
Schnoell AV, Dittmann MT, Fichtel C (2014) Human-introduced long-term tradition in wild redfronted lemurs? Animal Cognition 17: 45-54.
Schnoell AV, Huebner F, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2014) Manual Lateralization in Wild Redfronted Lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) During Spontaneous Actions and in an Experimental Task. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153: 61-67.
Székely T, Liker A, Freckleton RP, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2014) Sex-biased survival predicts adult sex ratio variation in wild birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281: 20140342
Yoder AD, Chan LM, dos Reis M, Larsen PA, Campbell CR, Rasolarison R, Barrett M, Roos C, Kappeler P, Bielawski JP, Yang Z (2014) Molecular Evolutionary Characterization of a V1R Subfamily Unique to Strepsirrhine Primates. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 213-227.
Zinner D, Wygoda C, Razafimanantsoa L, Rasoloarison RM, Andrianandrasana H, Ganzhorn JU, Torkler F. (2014) Analysis of deforestation patterns in central Menabe, Madagascar, between 1973 and 2010. Regional Environmental Change 14: 157-166
Aquino R, Cornejo FM, Heymann EW (2013) Primate abundance and habitat preferences on the lower Urubamba and Tambo rivers, central-eastern Peruvian Amazonia. Primates 54: 377-383.
Aquino R, Cornejo FM, Pezo E, Heymann EW (2013) Distribution and abundance and of white-fronted spider monkeys, Ateles belzebuth (Atelidae), and threats to its survival in Peruvian Amazonia. Folia Primatologica. 84: 1–10.
Barrett L, Blumstein DT, Clutton-Brock TH, Kappeler PM (2013) Taking note of Tinbergen, or: the promise of a biology of behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368: 20120352.
Belz M, Pyritz LW, Boos M (2013) Spontaneous flocking in human groups. Behavioural Processes 92: 6–14.
Bicca-Marques JC, Heymann EW (2013) Ecology and behavior of titi monkeys, genus Callicebus. In: Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris. Veiga LM, Barnett AA, Ferrari SF, Norconk MA (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 196-207
Calvignac-Spencer S, Merkel K, Kutzner N, Kühl H, Boesch C, Kappeler PM, Metzger S, Schubert G, Leendertz F (2013) Carrion fly-derived DNA as a tool for comprehensive and cost-effective assessment of mammalian biodiversity. Molecular Ecology 22: 915-924
Dammhahn M, Markolf M, Lührs M-L, Thalmann U, Kappeler PM (2013) Lemurs of the Beanka Forest, Melaky Region, western Madagascar. Malagasy Nature 7: 259-270.
Dammhahn M, Soarimalala V, Goodman SM (2013) Trophic Niche Differentiation and Microhabitat Utilization in a Species-rich Montane Forest Small Mammal Community of Eastern Madagascar. Biotropica 45: 111-118.
Dröscher I, Kappeler PM (2013) Defining the Low End of Primate Social Complexity: The Social Organization of the Nocturnal White-Footed Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur leucopus). International Journal of Primatology 34: 1225-1243.
Gamero A, Buser A, Kappeler PM (2013) Characterization of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci for white-breasted mesites (Mesitornis variegata). Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 553-554.
Heymann EW (2013) Can Seeds Help to Expel Parasites? A Comment on the Garber-Kitron (1997) Hypothesis. International Journal of Primatology 34: 445-449.
Heymann EW, Nadjafzadeh M (2013) Insectivory and prey foraging in titi monkeys - a case study of Callicebus cupreus and a comparison to other pitheciids. In: Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris. Veiga LM, Barnett AA, Ferrari SF, Norconk MA (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 215-224 PDF
Heymann EW, Zinner D, Ganzhorn JU (2013) Disproportional representation of primates in the ecological literature. PLoS ONE 8:e80763.
Huchard E, Baniel A, Schliehe-Diecks S, Kappeler PM (2013) MHC-disassortative mate choice and inbreeding avoidance in a solitary primate. Molecular Ecology 22: 4071-4086.
Ichino S, Soma T, Koyama N (2013): The impact of alopecia syndrome on female reproductive parameters in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. in: Judith Masters, Marco Gamba und Fabien Génin (eds.): Leaping ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology. New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London: Springer (Developments in primatology: Progress and prospects), pp 377–386.
Kappeler PM (2013) Why male mammals are monogamous. Science 341: 469-470. Reprint
Kappeler PM, Barrett L, Blumstein DT, Clutton-Brock TH (2013) Constraints and flexibility in mammalian social behaviour: introduction and synthesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368
Kappeler PM, Barrett L, Blumstein DT, Clutton-Brock TH (eds) (2013) Flexibility and Constraint in the Evolution of Mammalian Social Behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368
Kraus C, Mueller B, Meise K, Piedrahita P, Pörschmann U, Trillmich F (2013). Mama’s boy: sex differences in juvenile survival in a highly dimorphic large mammal, the Galapagos sea lion. Oecologia 171: 893-903.
Kraus C, Pavard S, Promislow DEL (2013) The size-lifespan trade-off decomposed: Why large dogs die young. The American Naturalist 181: 492-505.
Lührs M-L, Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2013) Strength in numbers: males in a carnivore grow bigger when they associate and hunt cooperatively. Behavioral Ecology 24: 21-28.
Lührs M-L, Kappeler PM (2013) Simultaneous GPS tracking reveals male associations in a solitary carnivore. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1731-1743.
Markolf M, Kappeler PM (2013): Phylogeographic analysis of the true lemurs (genus Eulemur) underlines the role of river catchments for the evolution of micro-endemism in Madagascar. Frontiers in Zoology 10: 70.
Markolf M, Rakotonirina H, Fichtel C, von Grumbkow P, Brameier M, Kappeler PM (2013) True lemurs…true species - species delimitation using multiple data sources in the brown lemur complex. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 233
Pyritz LW, Fichtel C, Huchard E, Kappeler PM (2013) Determinants and outcomes of decision-making, group coordination and social interactions during a foraging experiment in a wild primate. PLoS ONE 8: e53144.
Rasoloarison RM, Weisrock DW, Yoder AD, Rakotondravony D, Kappeler PM (2013) Two New Species of Mouse Lemurs (Cheirogaleidae: Microcebus) from Eastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 34: 455-469.
Rimbach R, Heymann EW, Link A, Heistermann M (2013) Validation of an enzyme immunoassay for assessing adrenocortical activity and evaluation of factors that affect levels of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in two New World primates. General and Comparative Endocrinology 191: 13-23.
Rimbach R, Link A, Heistermann M, Gómez-Posada C, Galvis N, Heymann EW (2013) Effects of logging, hunting, and forest fragment size on physiological stress levels of two sympatric ateline primates in Colombia. Conservation Physiology 1 (1).
Rode EJ, Nekaris KAI, Markolf M, Schliehe-Diecks S, Seiler M, Radespiel U, Schwitzer C (2013) Social organisation of the northern giant mouse lemur Mirza zaza in Sahamalaza, north western Madagascar, inferred from nest group composition and genetic relatedness. Contributions to Zoology 82: 71-83.
Schaumburg F, Mugisha L, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C, Köck R, Köndgen S, Becker K, Boesch C, Peters G, Leendertz F (2013) Evaluation of NonInvasive Biological Samples to Monitor Staphylococcus aureus Coloniazation in Great Apes and Lemurs. PloS ONE B 10: e78046.
Schneider TC, Kowalczyk R, Köhler M (2013) Resting site selection by large herbivores – The case of European bison (Bison bonasus) in Białowieża Primeval Forest. Mammalian Biology 78: 438-445.
Schnoell AV (2013) Sighting of a ring-tailed vontsira (Galidia elegans) in the gallery forest of Berenty Private Reserve, southeastern Madagascar. Malagasy Nature 6: 125-126
Schnoell AV, Fichtel C (2013) A novel feeding behaviour in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons): depletion of spider nests. Primates 54: 371-375.
Vuarin P, Dammhahn M, Henry P-Y (2013) Individual flexibility in energy saving: body size and condition constrain torpor use. Functional Ecology 27: 793-799
West KA, Heymann EW, Müller B, Gillespie TR (2013) Patterns of infection with Cryptosporidium sp. and Giardia sp. in three species of free-ranging primates in the Peruvian Amazon. International Journal of Primatology 34: 939-945.
Wrede C, Walbaum U, Ducki A, Heieren I, Hoppert M (2013) Localization of methyl-coenzyme M reductase as metabolic marker for diverse methanogenic Archaea. Archaea vol. 2013, Article ID 920241.
to top2012
Alvarez SJ, Heymann EW (2012) Brief Communication: A preliminary study on the influence of physical fruit traits on fruit handling and seed fate by white-handed titi monkeys (Callicebus lugens). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147: 482-488.
Benavides JA*, Huchard E*, Pettorelli N, King AJ, Brown ME, Archer CE, Appleton CC, Raymond M, Cowlishaw G (2012) From parasite encounter to infection: multiple-scale drivers of parasite richness in a wild social primate population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147: 52-63.
*Diese beiden Autoren trugen gleichermaßen zum Manuskript bei.
Bowler M, Knogge C, Heymann EW, Zinner D (2012) Multi-level societies in New World primates? Flexibility may characterise the organisation of Peruvian red uakaris Cacajao calvus ucayalii. International Journal of Primatology 33: 1110-1124.
Canale CI, Huchard E, Perret M, Henry P-Y (2012) Reproductive resilience to food shortage in a small heterothermic primate. PLoS ONE 7: e41477.
Dammhahn M (2012) Are personality differences in a small iteroparous mammal maintained by a life-history trade-off? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279: 2645-2651.
Dammhahn M, Almeling L (2012) Is risk taking during foraging a personality trait? A field test for cross-context consistency in boldness. Animal Behaviour 84: 1131-1139.
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2012) Seasonality and behavioral energy strategies in Microcebus berthae and M. murinus. In: Master J, Gamba M, Génin F (eds) Developments in Primatology. Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology. Springer, New York: 215-223.
Dammhahn M, Pyritz LW (2012) Relikte, Strandgut und Irrflieger - Ursachen und Besonderheiten der Biodiversität Madagaskars. In: Pyritz LW (ed) Madagaskar: von Makis und Menschen. Springer, Heidelberg: 3-8.
Dolch R, Ratsisetraina R, Markolf M, Ratolojanahary T, Rakotonirina H, Louis Jr E, Wendenbaum E (2011/2012) Assessment of lemur diversity in the Makay Massif. Lemur News 16: 48-53.
Fernandez-Duque E, Di Fiore A, Huck M (2012) The behavior, ecology, and social evolution of new world monkeys. In: Mitani JC, Call J, Kappeler PM, Palombit RA, Silk JB (eds) The Evolution of Primate Societies. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 43-64.
Fichtel C (2012) Predation. In: Mitani JC, Call J, Kappeler PM, Palombit RA, Silk JB (eds) The Evolution of Primate Societies. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 169-194.
Fichtel C, Hilgartner R (2012) Noises in the dark: vocal communication in nocturnal pair-living primates. In: Master J, Gamba M, Génin F (eds) Developments in Primatology. Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology. Springer, New York: 297-304.
Fink B (2012) Neck circumference: its usage in medicine and biology. In: Preedy VR (ed) Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease (Part 5). Springer, Heidelberg: 665-675.
Fink B, Bunse L, Matts PJ, D'Emiliano D (2012) Visible skin colouration predicts perception of male facial age, health and attractiveness. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 34: 307-310.
Fink B, Hugill N, Lange BP (2012) Women's body movements are a potential cue to ovulation. Personality and Individual Differences 53: 759-763.
Fink B, Matts PJ, D'Emiliano D, Bunse L, Weege B, Röder S (2012) Colour homogeneity and visual perception of age, health and attractiveness of male facial skin. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 26: 1486-1492.
Fink B, Weege B, Flügge J, Röder S, Neave N, McCarty K (2012) Men's personality and women's perception of their dance quality. Personality and Individual Differences 52: 232-235.
Gomez D, Huchard E, Henry P-Y, Perret M (2012) Mutual mate choice in a female-dominant and sexually monomorphic primate. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147: 370-379.
Hämäläinen A (2012) A case of adult cannibalism in the gray mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus. American Journal of Primatology 74: 783-787.
Heymann EW, Lüttmann K, Michalczyk IM, Pinedo Saboya PP, Ziegenhagen B, Bialozyt R (2012) DNA fingerprinting validates seed dispersal curves from observational studies in three species of the Neotropical legume Parkia. PLoS ONE 7: e35480.
Heymann EW, Pérez Yamacita JG, Müller B (2012) Morphometric data from a wild female titi monkey, Callicebus cupreus. Neotropical Primates 19: 42-43.
Hilgartner R, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Zinner D (2012) Determinants of pair-living in red-tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus). Ethology 118: 466-479.
Huchard E, Albrecht C, Schliehe-Diecks S, Baniel A, Roos C, Kappeler PM, Brameier M (2012) Large-scale MHC class II genotyping of a wild lemur population by next generation sequencing. Immunogenetics 64: 895-913.
Huchard E, Canale CI, Le Gros C, Perret M, Henry P-Y, Kappeler PM (2012) Convenience polyandry or convenience polygyny? Costly sex under female control in a promiscuous primate. Proceeding of the Royal Society of London B 279: 1371-1379.
Huck M, Fernandez-Duque E (2012) When dads help: male behavioral care during primate infant development. In: Clancy KBH, Hinde K, Rutherford JN (eds) Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. Building Babies: Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective. Springer, New York: 361-385.
Ichino S, Soma T, Koyama N (2012) The impact of alopecia syndrome on female reproductive parameters in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. In: Masters J, Gamba M, Génin F (eds) Developments in Primatology. Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology. Springer, New York: 377-386.
Kappeler PM (2012) Behavioral ecology of strepsirrhines and tarsiers. In: Mitani JC, Call J, Kappeler PM, Palombit RA, Silk JB (eds) The Evolution of Primate Societies. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 17-42.
Kappeler PM (2012) Mate choice. In: Mitani JC, Call J, Kappeler PM, Palombit RA, Silk JB (eds) The Evolution of Primate Societies. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 367-386.
Kappeler PM (2012) Male reproductive strategies: how do behavior, morphology and physiology act in concert to improve a male's reproductive success - and why is there so much variation among outcomes within and between species? Nature Education Knowledge 3:e82.
Kappeler PM (2012) Römische Totengeister auf Madagaskar - Was Lemuren so einzigartig macht. In: Pyritz LW (ed) Madagaskar: von Makis und Menschen. Springer, Heidelberg: 8-16.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2012) Female reproductive competition in Eulemur rufifrons: eviction and reproductive restraint in a plurally breeding Malagasy primate. Molecular Ecology 21: 685-698.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2012) A 15-year perspective on the social organization and life history of sifaka in Kirindy Forest. In: Kappeler PM, Watts DP (eds) Long-Term Field Studies of Primates. Springer, Heidelberg: 101-121.
Kappeler PM, van Schaik C, Watts DP (2012) The values and challenges of long-term field studies. In: Kappeler PM, Watts DP (eds) Long-Term Field Studies of Primates. Springer, Heidelberg: 3-18.
Lledo-Ferrer Y, Pelàez F, Heymann EW (2012) Territorial polemics: a response to Roberts. International Journal of Primatology 33: 762-768.
Muñoz-Reyes JA, Gil-Burmann C, Fink B, Turiegano E (2012) Facial asymmetry and aggression in Spanish adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences 53: 857-861.
Muñoz-Reyes JA, Gil-Burmann C, Fink B, Turiegano E (2012) Physical strength, fighting ability and aggressiveness in adolescents. American Journal of Human Biology 24: 611-617.
Pflüger FJ, Fichtel C (2012) On the function of redfronted lemur's close calls. Animal Cognition 15: 823-831.
Port M, Johnstone RA, Kappeler PM (2012) The evolution of multimale groups in Verreaux's sifaka, or how to test an evolutionary demographic model. Behavioral Ecology 23: 889-897.
Rimbach R, Pardo-Martinez A, Montes-Rojas A, Di Fiore A, Link A (2012) Interspecific infanticide and infant-directed aggression by spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus) in a fragmented forest in Colombia. American Journal of Primatology 74: 990-997.
Schliehe-Diecks S, Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2012) Walk the line - dispersal movements of gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1175-1185.
Schliehe-Diecks S, Kappeler PM, Langrock R (2012) On the application of mixed hidden Markov models to multiple behavioural time series. Interface Focus 2: 180-189.
Schnoell AV, Fichtel C (2012) Wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) use social information to learn new foraging techniques. Animal Cognition 15: 505-516.
Schnoell AV, Fichtel C (2012) Predation on redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons) by fossas (Cryptoprocta ferox). Lemur News 16: 30-32.
Sepil I, Moghadam HK, Huchard E, Sheldon BC (2012) Characterization and 454 pyrosequencing of Major Histocompatibility Complex class I genes in the great tit reveal complexity in a passerine system. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: e68.
Sorokowski P, Szagdaj A, Fink B, Mbira M (2012) Variable preferences for sexual dimorphism in stature (SDS) might not be universal: data from a semi nomad population (Himba) in Namibia. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43: 32-37.
Weege B, Lange BP, Fink B (2012) Women's visual attention to variation in men's dance quality. Personality and Individual Differences 53: 236-240.
Weisrock DW, Smith SD, Chan LM, Biebouw K, Kappeler PM, Yoder AD (2012) Concatenation and concordance in the reconstruction of mouse lemur phylogeny: an empirical demonstration of the effect of allele sampling in phylogenetics. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 1615-1630.
to top2011
Boos M, Kolbe M, Kappeler PM (2011) Coordination in human and non-human primate groups: why compare and how? In: Boos M, Kolbe M, Kappeler PM, Ellwart T (eds) Coordination in Human and Non-Human Primate Groups. Springer, Heidelberg: 3-10.
Broggi J, Gamero A, Hohtola E, Orell M, Nilsson J-Å (2011) Interpopulation variation in contour feather structure is environmentally determined in great tits. PLoS ONE 6: e24942.
Clough D, Kappeler PM, Walter L (2011) Genetic regulation of parasite infection: empirical evidence of the functional significance of an IL4 gene SNP on nematode infections in wild primates. Frontiers in Zoology 8: e9.
Culot L, Lledo-Ferrer Y, Hoelscher O, Muñoz Lazo FJJ, Huynen M-C, Heymann EW (2011) Reproductive failure, maternal infanticide and cannibalism in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. Primates 52: 179-186.
Culot L, Mann DJ, Muñoz Lazo FJJ, Huynen M-C, Heymann EW (2011) Tamarins and dung beetles: an efficient diplochorous dispersal system in the Peruvian Amazonia. Biotropica 43: 84-92.
Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2011) Variation in the meaning of alarm calls in Verreaux´s and Coquerel´s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi, P. coquereli). International Journal of Primatology 32: 346-361.
Fichtel C, Pyritz LW, Kappeler PM (2011) Coordination of group movements in non-human primates. In: Boos M, Kolbe M, Kappeler PM, Ellwart T (eds) Coordination in Human and Non-Human Primate Groups. Springer, Heidelberg: 37-56.
Fichtel C, Scheiner E, Maak B (2011) Über die Kommunikation bei nichtmenschlichen Primaten und die Evolution von Sprache. In: Dreesmann D, Graf D, Witte K (eds) Evolutionsbiologie: Moderne Themen für den Unterricht. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Fichtel C, Zucchini W, Hilgartner R (2011) Out of sight but not out of mind? Behavioral coordination in red-tailed sportive lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 32: 1383-1396.
Fink B, Matts PJ, Röder S, Johnston R, Burquest M (2011) Differences in visual perception of age and attractiveness of female facial and body skin. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 33: 126-131.
Groeneveld LF, Rasoloarison RM, Kappeler PM (2011) Morphometrics confirm taxonomic deflation in dwarf lemurs (Primates: Cheirogaleidae), as suggested by genetics. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 161: 229-244.
Heymann EW (2011) Coordination in primate mixed-species troops. In: Boos M, Kolbe M, Kappeler PM, Ellwart T (eds) Coordination in Human and Non-Human Primate Groups. Springer, Heidelberg: 263-281.
Heymann EW (2011) Florivory, nectarivory and pollination - a review of primate-flower interactions. Ecotropica 17: 41-52.
Heymann EW, Flores Amasifuén C, Shahuano Tello N, Tirado Herrera ER, Stojan-Dolar M (2011) Disgusting appetite: two-toed sloths feeding in human latrines. Mammalian Biology 76: 84-86.
Heymann EW, Shahuano Tello N, Hölscher O (2011) A wild tamarin without a foot - survival despite a handycap. Neotropical Primates 18: 59-60.
Huchard E, Cowlishaw G (2011) Female-female aggression around mating: an extra cost of sociality in a multimale primate society. Behavioral Ecology 22: 1003-1011.
Hugill N, Fink B, Neave N, Besson A, Bunse L (2011) Women's perception of men's sensation seeking propensity from their dance movements. Personality and Individual Differences 51: 483-487.
Ichino S, Rambeloarivony H (2011) New cases of vertebrate predation by the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), with reference to differences from Eulemur species and other primates. African Study Monographs 32: 69-80.
Kappeler PM (2011) Our origins: what makes us different from apes? In: Frey UJ, Störmer C, Willführ KP (eds) Essential Building Blocks of Human Nature. Springer, Heidelberg: 5-16.
Kappeler PM (2011) Primatological approches to the study of group coordination. In: Boos M, Kolbe M, Kappeler PM, Ellwart T (eds) Coordination in Human and Non-Human Primate Groups. Springer, Heidelberg: 223-228.
King AJ, Sueur C, Huchard E, Cowlishaw G (2011) A rule-of-thumb based on social affiliation explains collective movements in desert baboons. Animal Behaviour 82: 1337-1345.
Lapiedra O, Ponjoan A, Gamero A, Bota G, Mañosa S (2011) Brood ranging behaviour and breeding success of the threatened little bustard in an intensified cereal farmland area. Biological Conservation 144: 2882-2890.
Leu ST, Kappeler PM, Bull CM (2011) Refuge sharing network predicts ectoparasite load in a lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 1495-1503.
Leu ST, Kappeler PM, Bull CM (2011) The influence of refuge sharing on social behaviour in the lizard Tiliqua rugosa. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 837-847.
Leu ST, Kappeler PM, Bull CM (2011) Pair-living in the absence of obligate biparental care in a lizard: trading-off sex and food? Ethology 117: 758-768.
Lledo Ferrer Y, Pelaez F, Heymann EW (2011) The equivocal relationship between territoriality and scent-marking in wild saddleback tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis. International Journal of Primatology 32: 974-991.
Manning JT, Fink B (2011) Is low digit ratio linked with late menarche? Evidence from the BBC internet study. American Journal of Human Biology 23: 527-533.
Manning JT, Fink B (2011) Digit ratio, nicotine and alcohol intake and national rates of smoking and alcohol consumption. Personality and Individual Differences 50:344-348.
Manning JT, Fink B (2011) Digit ratio (2D:4D) and aggregate personality scores across nations: data from the BBC internet study. Personality and Individual Differences 51: 387-391.
Markolf M, Brameier M, Kappeler PM (2011) On species delimitation: yet another lemur species or just genetic variation? BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: e216.
Matauschek C, Roos C, Heymann EW (2011) Mitochondrial phylogeny of tamarins (Saguinus, Hoffmannsegg 1807) with taxonomic implications for the S. nigricollis species group. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144: 564-574.
Muñoz Lazo FJJ, Culot L, Huynen M-C, Heymann EW (2011) Effect of resting patterns of tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) on the spatial distribution of seeds and seedling recruitment. International Journal of Primatology 32: 223-237.
Neave N, McCarty K, Freynik J, Caplan N, Hönekopp J, Fink B (2011) Male dance moves that catch a woman's eye. Biology Letters 7: 221-224.
Port M, Kappeler PM, Johnstone RA (2011) Communal defense of territories and the evolution of sociality. The American Naturalist 178: 787-800.
Pyritz LW, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2011) Coordination of group movements in wild red-fronted lemurs: processes and influence of ecological and reproductive seasonality. International Journal of Primatology 32: 1325-1347.
Pyritz LW, King AJ, Sueur C, Fichtel C (2011) Reaching a consensus: terminology and concepts used in coordination and decision-making research. International Journal of Primatology 32: 1268-1278.
Rylands AB, Mittermeier RA, Heymann EW, Matauschek C, Aquino R, Encarnación F, de la Torre S (2011) The range of the golden-mantle tamarin, Saguinus tripartitus (Milne Edwards, 1878): distributions and sympatry of four tamarins in Colombia, Ecuador and Northern Peru. Primates 52: 25-39.
Samson N, Fink B, Matts PJ (2011) Does a woman's skin colour indicate her fertility level? Preliminary findings. Swiss Journal of Psychology 70: 199-202.
Samson N, Fink B, Matts PJ (2011) Interaction of skin colour homogeneity and topography in the perception of female facial age and health. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 10: 78-84.
Windhager S, Schaefer K, Fink B (2011) Geometric morphometrics of male facial shape in relation to physical strength and perceived attractiveness, dominance and masculinity. American Journal of Human Biology 23: 805-814.
to top2010
Clough D (2010) Gastro-intestinal parasites of red-fronted lemurs in Kirindy Forest, western Madagascar. Journal of Parasitology 96: 245-251.
Clough D, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (2010) Host intrinsic determinants and potential consequences of parasite infection in free-ranging red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 441-452.
Culot L, Muñoz Lazo FJJ, Huynen M-C, Poncin P, Heymann EW (2010) Seasonal variation in seed dispersal by tamarins alters seed rain in a secondary rainforest. International Journal of Primatology 31: 553-569.
Célerier A, Huchard E, Alvergne A, Féjan D, Plard F, Cowlishaw G, Raymond M, Bonadonna F (2010) Detective mice assess relatedness in baboons using olfactory cues. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 1399-1405.
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2010) Scramble or contest competition over food in solitary foraging mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.): new insights from stable isotope analyses. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141: 181-189.
Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2010) Human universals and primate symplesiomorphies: establishing the lemur baseline. In: Kappeler PM, Silk JB (eds) Mind the Gap: Tracing the Origins of Human Universals. Springer, Heidelberg: 395-426.
Fichtel C, Manser MB (2010) Vocal communication in social groups. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Animal Behaviour: Evolution and mechanisms. Springer, Heidelberg: 29-54.
Fink B, Täschner K, Hugill N, Neave N, Dane L (2010) Male faces and bodies: evidence for a condition-dependent ornament of quality. Personality and Individual Differences 49: 436-440.
Groeneveld LF, Blanco MB, Raharison J-L, Rahlinarivo V, Rasoloarison RM, Kappeler PM, Godfrey LR, Irwin MT (2010) MtDNA and nDNA corroborate existence of sympatric dwarf lemur species at Tsinjoarivo, eastern Madagascar. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 833-845.
Heymann EW, Aquino R (2010) Peruvian red uakaris, Cacajao calvus ucayalii, are not flooded-forest specialists. International Journal of Primatology 31: 751-758.
Huchard E, Alvergne A, Fejan D, Knapp LA, Cowlishaw G, Raymond M (2010) More than friends? Behavioural and genetic aspects of heterosexual associations in wild chacma baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 769-781.
Huchard E, Knapp LA, Wang J, Raymond M, Cowlishaw G (2010) MHC, mate choice and heterozygote advantage in a wild social primate. Molecular Ecology 19: 2545-2561.
Huchard E, Raymond M, Benavides J, Marshall H, Knapp LA, Cowlishaw G (2010) A female signal reflects MHC genotype in a social primate. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: e96.
Hugill N, Fink B, Neave N (2010) The role of human body movements in mate selection. Evolutionary Psychology 8: 66-89.
Kappeler PM (2010) Darwins Achillesferse: Die Evolution von Kooperation bei Primaten und Menschen. In: Gerhardt V, Schulte D (eds) Faszination Leben. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Paderborn: 35-54.
Kappeler PM, Kraus C (2010) Levels and mechanisms of behavioural variability. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Animal Behaviour: Evolution and mechanisms. Springer, Heidelberg: 655-684.
Kappeler PM, Silk JB, Burkhart JM, van Schaik CP (2010) Primate behavior and human universals: exploring the gap. In: Kappeler PM, Silk JB (eds) Mind the Gap: Tracing the Origins of Human Universals. Springer, Heidelberg: 3-15.
Leu ST, Bashford J, Kappeler PM, Bull CM (2010) Association networks reveal social organization in the sleepy lizard. Animal Behaviour 79: 217-225.
Lührs M-L, Dammhahn M (2010) An unusual case of cooperative hunting in a solitary carnivore. Journal of Ethology 28: 379-383.
Luettmann K, Michalczyk IM, Mengel C, Ziegenhagen B, Heymann EW, Pinedo Saboya PP, Bialozyt R (2010) Characterization of nuclear microsatellite loci in the neotropical tree Parkia panurensis (Fabaceae). American Journal of Botany 97: e34-36.
Manning JT, Baron-Cohen S, Wheelwright S, Fink B (2010) Is digit ratio (2D:4D) related to systemizing and empathizing? Evidence from direct finger measurements reported in the BBC internet survey. Personality and Individual Differences 48: 767-771.
Matts PJ, Fink B (2010) Chronic sun damage and the perception of age, health and attractiveness. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 9: 421-431.
Müller B, Mätz-Rensing K, Pérez Yamacita JG, Heymann EW (2010) Pathological and parasitological findings in a wild red titi monkey, Callicebus cupreus (Pitheciidae, Platyrrhini). European Journal of Wildlife Research 56: 601-604.
Nyakatura JA, Heymann EW (2010) Effects of support size and orientation on symmetric gaits in free-ranging tamarins of Amazonian Peru: implications for the functional significance of primate gait sequence patterns. Journal of Human Evolution 58: 242-251.
Port M, Johnstone RA, Kappeler PM (2010) Costs and benefits of multi-male associations in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Biology Letters 6: 620-622.
Port M, Kappeler PM (2010) The utility of reproductive skew models in the study of male primates, a critical evaluation. Evolutionary Anthropology 19: 46-56.
Pyritz LW, Andrianjanahary T (2010) Collective mobbing of a boa by a group of red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Lemur News 15: 14-16.
Pyritz LW, Büntge ABS, Herzog S, Kessler M (2010) Effects of habitat structure and fragmentation on diversity and abundance of primates in tropical deciduous forests in Bolivia. International Journal of Primatology 31: 796-812.
Pyritz LW, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2010) Conceptual and methodological issues in the comparative study of collective group movements. Behavioural Processes 84: 681-684.
Rahlfs M, Fichtel C (2010) Anti-predator behaviour in a nocturnal primate, the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Ethology 116: 429-439.
Samson N, Fink B, Matts PJ (2010) Visible skin condition and perception of human facial appearance. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 32: 167-184.
Samson N, Fink B, Matts PJ, Dawes NC, McArthur-Weitz S (2010) Visible changes of female facial skin surface topography in relation to age and attractiveness perception. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 9: 79-88.
Schliehe-Diecks S, Markolf M, Huchard E (2010) When big lemurs swallow up small ones: Coquerel’s dwarf lemur as a predator of grey mouse lemurs and endemic rodents. Lemur News 15: 13-14.
Schwensow N, Dausmann K, Eberle M, Fietz J, Sommer S (2010) Functional associations of similar MHC alleles and shared parasite species in two sympatric lemurs. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 10: 662-668.
Schwensow N, Eberle M, Sommer S (2010) Are there ubiquitous parasite-driven major histocompatibility complex selection mechanisms in gray mouse lemurs? International Journal of Primatology 31: 519-537.
Schwitzer N, Clough D, Zahner H, Kaumanns W, Kappeler PM, Schwitzer C (2010) Parasite prevalence in blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur flavifrons) in differently degraded forest fragments. Endangered Species Research 12: 215-225.
Setchell JMS, Huchard E (2010) The hidden benefits of sex: evidence for MHC-associated mate choice in primate societies. BioEssays 32: 940-948.
Stojan-Dolar M, Heymann EW (2010) Functions of intermittent locomotion in mustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). International Journal of Primatology 31: 677-692.
Stojan-Dolar M, Heymann EW (2010) Vigilance of mustached tamarins in single-species and mixed-species groups – the influence of group composition. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 325-335.
Stojan-Dolar M, Heymann EW (2010) Vigilance in a cooperatively breeding primate. International Journal of Primatology 31: 95-116.
Weisrock DW, Rasoloarison RM, Fiorentino I, Ralison JM, Goodman SM, Kappeler PM, Yoder AD (2010) Delimiting species without nuclear monophyly in Madagascar’s mouse lemurs. PLoS ONE 5(3): e9883.
Wenz A, Heymann EW, Petney TN, Taraschewski HF (2010) The influence of human settlements on the parasite community in two species of Peruvian tamarin. Parasitology 137: 675-684.
to top2009
Alvarez SJ, Heymann EW (2009) Forrajeo de insectos por la viudita (Callicebus lugens). In: Alarcón-Nieto G, Palacios E (eds) Estación Biológica Mosiro Itajura-Caparú - Biodiversidad en el Territorio del Yaigojé-Apaporis. Conservación Internacional, Bogotá: 65-70.
Aquino R, Cornejo FM, Pezo Lozano E, Heymann EW (2009) Geographic distribution and demography of Pithecia aequatorialis (Pitheciidae) in Peruvian Amazonia. American Journal of Primatology 71: 964-968.
Averdam A, Petersen B, Rosner C, Neff J, Roos C, Eberle M, Aujard F, Münch C, Schempp W, Carrington M, Shiina T, Inoko H, Knaust F, Coggill P, Sehra H, Beck S, Abi-Rached L, Reinhardt R, Walter L (2009) A novel system of polymorphic and diverse NK cell receptors in primates. PLoS Genetics 5: e1000688.
Barthold J, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2009) What is it going to be? Pattern and potential function of natal coat change in sexually dichromatic redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 1-10.
Benesch A, Griefahn B, Dammhahn M (2009) Licht: wenn der Taktgeber das Leben aus dem Rhythmus bringt. Zwischenruf Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1/2009: 12-17.
Clough D, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (2009) Individual facial coloration in red-fronted lemur males: a condition-dependent ornament? International Journal of Primatology 30: 859-875.
Cornejo FM, DeLuycker AM, Quintana H, Pacheco V, Heymann EW (2009) Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey Oreonax flavicauda (Humboldt, 1812). In: Mittermeier RA, Wallis J, Rylands AB, Ganzhorn JU, Oates JF, Williamson EA, Palacios E, Heymann EW, Kierulff MCM, Long Y, Supriatna J, Roos C, Walker S, Cortés-Ortiz L, Schwitzer C (eds) Primates in Peril: the World's 25 most Endangered Primates 2008-2010. IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), and Conservation International (CI), Arlington/VA: 74-76.
Culot L, Huynen M-C, Gérard P, Heymann EW (2009) Short-term post-dispersal fate of seeds defecated by two small primates in the Amazonian forest of Peru. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25: 229-238.
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2009) Females go where the food is: does the socio-ecological model explain variation in social organisation of solitary foragers? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 939-952.
Dammhahn M, Schäffler L, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2009) Rapid lemur survey in northern Menabe. Lemur News 14: 13-16.
Eberle M, Fichtel C (2009) Sexuelle Selektion und die Evolution von Paarungssystemen bei Primaten einschließlich des Menschen. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften-Biologie in der Schule 3: 22-28.
Fichtel C (2009) Costs of alarm calling: lemur alarm calls attract fossas. Lemur News 14: 53-55.
Fink B (2009) Skin: a natural history [Book Review]. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 23: 75-77.
Glauert R, Rhodes G, Byrne S, Fink B, Grammer K (2009) Body dissatisfaction and the effects of perceptual exposure on body norms and ideals. International Journal of Eating Disorders 42: 443-452.
Glauert R, Rhodes G, Fink B, Grammer K (2009) Body dissatisfaction and attentional bias to thin bodies. International Journal of Eating Disorders 43: 42-49.
Groenefeld LF, Weisrock DW, Rasoloarison RM, Yoder AD, Kappeler PM (2009) Species delimitation in lemurs: multiple genetic loci reveal low levels of of species diversity in the genus Cheirogaleus. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: e30.
Heymann EW, von der Lage F (2009) Non-invasive measuring of operational tongue length in callitrichids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139: 430-433.
Hugill N, Fink B, Neave N (2009) Men’s physical strength is associated with women’s perceptions of their dancing ability. Personality and Individual Differences 47: 527-530.
Kappeler PM, Mass V, Port M (2009) Even adult sex ratios in lemurs: potential costs and benefits of subordinate males in Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) in the Kirindy Forest/CFPF, Madagascar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140: 487-497.
Lledo-Ferrer Y, Hidalgo A, Heymann EW, Peláez F (2009) Field observation of predation of a slate-colored hawk, Leucopternis schistacea, on a juvenile saddle-back tamarin, Saguinus fuscicollis. Neotropical Primates 16: 82-84.
Lührs M-L, Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM, Fichtel C (2009) Spatial memory in the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Animal Cognition 12: 599-609.
Mass V, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (2009) Mate-guarding as a male reproductive tactic in Propithecus verreauxi. International Journal of Primatology 30: 389-409.
Port M, Clough D, Kappeler PM (2009) Market effects offset the reciprocation of grooming in free-ranging redfronted lemurs, Eulemur fulvus rufus. Animal Behaviour 77: 29-36.
Roedel HG, von Holst D, Kraus C (2009) Family legacies: short- and long-term fitness consequences of early life conditions in female European rabbits. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 789–797.
Röder S, Brewer G, Fink B (2009) Menstrual cycle shifts in women's self-perception and motivation: a daily report method. Personality and Individual Differences 47: 616-619.
Schaefer K, Mitteroecker P, Fink B, Bookstein FL (2009) Psychomorphospace - from biology to perception, and back: towards an integrated quantification of facial form variation. Biological Theory 4: 98-106.
Wohlrab S, Fink B, Kappeler PM, Brewer G (2009) Perception of human body modification. Personality and Individual Differences 46: 202-206.
Wohlrab S, Fink B, Kappeler PM, Brewer G (2009) Differences in personality attributions towards tattooed and non-tattooed virtual human characters. Journal of Individual Differences 30: 1-5.
Zinner DP, Groeneveld LF, Keller C, Roos C (2009) Mitochondrial phylogeography of baboons (Papio spp.): indication for introgressive hybridization? BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: e83.
to top2008
Aquino R, Terrones W, Cornejo F, Heymann EW (2008) Geographic distribution and possible taxonomic distinction of Callicebus torquatus populations (Pitheciidae: Primates) in Peruvian Amazonia. American Journal of Primatology 70: 1181-1186.
Benadi G, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2008) Intergroup relations and home range use in Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi). American Journal of Primatology 70: 956-965.
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2008) Small-scale coexistence of two mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae and M. murinus) within a homogeneous competitive environment. Oecologia 157: 473-483.
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2008) Comparative feeding ecology of sympatric mouse lemurs (Microcebus berthae, M. murinus). International Journal of Primatology 29: 1567-1589.
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2008) Mutualism, reciprocity, or kin selection? Cooperative rescue of a conspecific from a boa in a nocturnal solitary forager the gray mouse lemur. American Journal of Primatology 70: 410-414.
Fichtel C (2008) Ontogeny of conspecific and heterospecific alarm call recognition in wild Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus v. verreauxi). American Journal of Primatology 70: 127-135.
Fink B, Matts PJ (2008) The effects of skin colour distribution and topography cues on the perception of female facial age and health. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology 22: 493-498.
Fink B, Matts PJ, Klingenberg H, Kuntze S, Weege B, Grammer K (2008) Visual attention to variation in female facial skin colour distribution. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 7: 155-161.
Gil Burmann C, Lledo-Ferrer Y (2008) ¿Qué aporta la Etología a la Psicobiología? Revista de Psicología General y Aplicada 61: 69-78.
Gros-Louis J, Perry S, Fichtel C, Wikberg E, Gilkenson H, Wofsy S, Fuentes A (2008) Vocal repertoire of white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus): acoustic structure, context and usage. International Journal of Primatology 29: 641-670.
Heymann EW (2008) Ressourcennutzung bei nicht-menschlichen Primaten. In: Knopf T (ed) Umweltverhalten in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Vergleichende Ansätze aus Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften. Attempto Verlag, Tübingen: 19-29.
Hilgartner R, Zinner DP, Kappeler PM (2008) Life history traits and parental care in Lepilemur ruficaudatus. American Journal of Primatology 70: 2-11.
Horvath JE, Weisrock DW, Embry SL, Fiorentino I, Balhoff JP, Kappeler PM, Wray GA, Willard HF, Yoder AD (2008) Development and application of a phylogenomic toolkit: resolving the evolutionary history of Madagascar's lemurs. Genome Research 18: 489-499.
Kappeler PM (2008) Genetic and ecological determinants of primate social systems. In: Korb J, Heinze J (eds) Ecology of Social Evolution. Springer, Heidelberg: 221-239.
Kappeler PM, Port M (2008) Mutual tolerance or reproductive competition? Patterns of reproductive skew among male redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1477-1488.
Kappeler PM, Schäffler L (2008) The lemur syndrome unresolved: extreme male reproductive skew in sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi), a sexually monomorphic primate with female dominance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1007-1015.
Kraus C, Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2008) The costs of risky male behaviour: sex differences in seasonal survival in a small sexually monomorphic primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275: 1635-1644.
Manning JT, Fink B (2008) Digit ratio (2D:4D), dominance, reproductive success, asymmetry, and sociosexuality and in the BBC internet study. American Journal of Human Biology 20: 451-461.
Markolf M, Kappeler PM, Rasoloarison RM (2008) Distribution and conservation status of Mirza zaza. Lemur News 13: 37-40.
Markolf M, Roos C, Kappeler PM (2008) Genetic and demographic consequences of rapid reduction in population size in a solitary primate, Mirza coquereli. The Open Conservation Biology Journal 2: 21-29.
Nadjafzadeh MN, Heymann EW (2008) Prey foraging of red titi monkeys, Callicebus cupreus, in comparison to sympatric tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135: 56-63.
Ostner J, Kappeler PM, Heistermann M (2008) Androgen and glucocorticoid levels reflect seasonally occurring social challenges in male redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 627-638.
Pyritz LW (2008) Primate behavior and human universals. Tagungsbericht zu den Göttinger Freilandtagen 2007. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 30(1-2): 204-208.
Schwensow N, Eberle M, Sommer S (2008) Compatibility counts: MHC-associated mate choice in a wild promiscuous primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275: 555-564.
Shahuano Tello N, Stojan-Dolar M, Heymann EW (2008) A sight and video record of the oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Peruvian lowland Amazonia. Journal of Ornithology 149: 267-269.
Sorg J-P, Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (2008) La recherche forestière et faunique dans la forêt de Kirindy: Centre de Formation Professionnelle Forestière de Morondava. In: Goodman SM (ed) Paysages Naturels et Biodiversité de Madagascar. Publications scientifiques du Muséum, Paris: 595-614.
to top2007
Brookes H, Neave N, Hamilton C, Fink B (2007) Digit ratio (2D:4D) and lateralisation for basic numerical quantification. Journal of Individual Differences 28: 55-63.
Dammhahn M, Schwibbe M (2007) Den Lemuren auf den Spuren. Afrika Post 2: 60-63.
Dijkstra K-DB, Groeneveld LF, Clausnitzer V, Hadrys H (2007) The Pseudagrion split: molecular phylogeny confirms the morphological and ecological dichotomy of Africa’s most diverse genus of Odonata (Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology 10: 31-41.
Eberle M, Perret M, Kappeler PM (2007) Sperm competition and optimal timing of matings in gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). International Journal of Primatology 28: 1267-1278.
Fichtel C (2007) Avoiding predators at night: antipredator strategies in red-tailed sportive lemurs (Lepilemur ruficaudatus). American Journal of Primatology 69: 1-14.
Fichtel C, Kraus C, Ganswindt A, Heistermann M (2007) Influence of reproductive season and rank on fecal glucocorticoid levels in free-ranging male Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi). Hormones and Behavior 51: 640-648.
Fink B, Brewer G, Fehl K, Neave N (2007) Instrumentality and lifetime number of sexual partners. Personality and Individual Differences 43: 747-756.
Fink B, Manning JT, Williams JHG, Podmore-Nappin C (2007) The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and developmental psychopathology in school-aged children. Personality and Individual Differences 42: 369-379.
Fink B, Neave N, Brewer G, Pawlowski B (2007) Variable preferences for sexual dimorphism in stature (SDS): further evidence for an adjustment in relation to own height. Personality and Individual Differences 43: 2249-2257.
Fink B, Neave N, Seydel H (2007) Male facial appearance signals physical strength to women. American Journal of Human Biology 19: 82-87.
Fink B, Seydel H, Manning JT, Kappeler PM (2007) A preliminary investigation of associations between digit ratio and women's perception of men's dance. Personality and Individual Differences 42: 381-390.
Fink B, Sövegjarto O (2007) Physische Attraktivität und zyklusabhängige Partnerpräferenzen. Der Gynäkologe 40: 729-736.
Fredsted, T, Schierup MH, Groeneveld LF, Kappeler PM (2007) Genetic structure, lack of sex-biased dispersal and behavioral flexibility in the pair-living fat-tailed dwarf lemur, Cheirogaleus medius. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 943-954.
Grammer K, Oberzaucher E, Tessarek A, Hofer G, Atzmueller M, Fink B (2007) Facial expression simulation: introducing reverse engineering into behaviour analysis. In: Kappas A (ed) Face-to-Face Communication over the Internet: Issues, Research, Challenges. Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 24-37.
Groeneveld LF, Clausnitzer V, Hadrys H (2007) Convergent evolution of gigantism in damselflies in Africa and South America? Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42: 339-346.
Heymann EW (2007) Biologische Grundlagen von Familien - Familien bei Primaten. In: Resch F, Schulte-Markwort M (eds) Kursbuch für integrative Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapie, Band 4 - Schwerpunkt: Familie. Beltz: Weinheim: 3-17.
Hilgartner R, Raoilison M, Büttiker W, Lees DC, Krenn HW (2007) Malagasy birds as hosts for eye-frequenting Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 3: 117-120.
Huck M, Roos C, Heymann EW (2007) Spatio-genetic population structure in moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132: 576-583.
Kappeler PM, Fink B, Wohlrab S, Behlke N (2007) Machen tattoos sexy? forschung SPEZIAL. Das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 2/07: 22-25.
Lorch D, Fisher DO, Spratt M (2007) Variation in ectoparasite infestation on the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii, with regard to host and habitat parameters. Australian Journal of Zoology 55: 169-176.
Löttker P, Huck M, Zinner DP, Heymann EW (2007) Grooming relationships between breeding females and adult group members in a cooperatively breeding primate. American Journal of Primatology 69: 1159-1172.
Matts PJ, Fink B, Grammer K, Burquest M (2007) Skin color distribution plays a role in the perception of age, attractiveness, and health in female faces. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 56 (suppl 2): AB 26.
Matts PJ, Fink B, Grammer K, Burquest M (2007) Colour homogeneity and visual perception of age, health and attractiveness of female facial skin. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 57: 977-984.
Mittermeier RA, Ratsimbazafy J, Rylands AB, Williamson L, Oates JF, Mbora D, Ganzhorn JU, Rodríguez-Luna E, Palacios E, Heymann EW, Kierulff MCM, Yongcheng L, Supriatna J, Roos C, Walker S, Aguiar JM (2007) Primates in Peril. The world's 25 most endangered primates 2006-2008. Primate Conservation 22: 1-40.
Moser E, Hoheisel B, Robinson S, Fink B, Gur RC, Grammer K (2007) Amygdala activation at 3T in response to human and avatar facial expressions of emotions. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 161: 126-133.
Smith AC, Knogge C, Huck M, Löttker P, Buchanan-Smith HM, Heymann EW (2007) Long term patterns of sleeping site use in wild saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and mustached tamarins (S. mystax). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 134: 340-353.
Wohlrab S, Fink B, Pyritz L, Rahlfs M, Kappeler PM (2007) Visual attention to plain and ornamented human bodies: an eye-tracking study. Perceptual and Motor Skills 104: 1337-1349.
Wohlrab S, Stahl J, Kappeler PM (2007) Modifying the body - motivations for getting tattooed and pierced. Body Image 4: 87-95.
Wohlrab S, Stahl J, Rammsayer T, Kappeler PM (2007) Differences in personality characteristics between body-modified and non-modified individuals: associations with individual personality traits and their possible evolutionary implications. European Journal of Personality Research 21: 931-951.
to top2006
Andriaholinirina N, Fausser JL, Roos C, Zinner D, Thalmann U, Rabarivola C, Ravoarimanana I, Ganzhorn JU, Meier B, Hilgartner R, Walter L, Zaramody A, Langer C, Hahn T, Zimmermann E, Radespiel U, Craul M, Tomiuk J, Tattersall I, Rumpler Y (2006) Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the sportive lemurs (Lepilemur, Primates). BMC Evolutionary Biology 6: e17.
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2006) Family insurance: kin selection and cooperative breeding in a solitary primate (Microcebus murinus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 582-588.
Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2006) Recent research activities of the German Primate Center (DPZ) in Kirindy Forest / CFPF, Morondava. In: Schwitzer C, Brandt S, Ramilijaona O, Razanahoera MR, Ackermand D, Razakamanana T, Ganzhorn JU (eds) Proceedings of the German-Malagasy Research Cooperation in Life and Earth Sciences. Concept-Verlag, Berlin: 127-134.
Fichtel C, van Schaik CP (2006) Semantic differences in sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) alarm calls: a reflection of genetic or cultural variants? Ethology 112: 839-849.
Fink B (2006) Book review: Perspectives on the face. American Journal of Human Biology 18: 866-867.
Fink B, Brookes H, Neave N, Manning JT, Geary DC (2006) Second to fourth digit ratio and numerical competence in children. Brain and Cognition 61: 211-218.
Fink B, Grammer K, Kappeler PM (2006) Zum Verlieben schön. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 11: 28-35.
Fink B, Grammer K, Matts PJ (2006) Visual skin color distribution plays a role in the perception of age, attractiveness, and health of female faces. Evolution and Human Behavior 27: 433-442.
Fink B, Manning JT, Neave N (2006) The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and neck circumference: implications for risk factors in coronary heart disease. International Journal of Obesity 30: 711-714.
Fink B, Neave N, Laughton K, Manning JT (2006) Second to fourth digit ratio and sensation seeking. Personality and Individual Differences 41: 1253-1262.
Fink B, Neave N, Manning JT, Grammer K (2006) Facial symmetry and judgements of attractiveness, health and personality. Personality and Individual Differences 41: 491-499.
Fink B, Soevegjarto O (2006) Pheromone, Körpergeruch, und Partnerwahl. Der Gynäkologe 39: 731-740.
Fink B, Thanzami V, Seydel H, Manning JT (2006) Digit ratio (2D:4D) and hand grip strength in German and Mizos men: cross-cultural evidence for an organising effect of prenatal testosterone on strength. American Journal of Human Biology 18: 776-782.
Hadrys H, Clausnitzer V, Groeneveld LF (2006) The present role and future promise of conservation genetics for forest odonates: habitat specificity reflects population genetic structures in three African damselflies. In: Cordero Rivera A (ed) Forests and Dragonflies. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia: 279-299.
Heymann EW (2006) Scent marking strategies of New World primates. American Journal of Primatology 68: 650-661.
Heymann EW (2006) Introduction: the neglected sense - olfaction in primate behaviour, ecology, and evolution. American Journal of Primatology 68: 519-524.
Hilgartner R, Raoilison M (2006) Madagaskar: Amphibien und Reptilien der tropischen Trockenwälder. DATZ 7: 56-61.
Hilgartner R, Raoilison M (2006) Hoffnung für den Erhalt der Flachrückenschildkröte Pyxis planicauda (Grandidier 1867) im natürlichen Habitat? Marginata 12: 46-49.
Hilgartner R, Raoilison M (2006) Freilandbeobachtungen an Uroplatus guentheri, einem Plattschwanzgecko aus Madagaskar. DATZ 8: 24-27.
Lledo-Ferrer Y, Gil-Burmann C (2006) Precursors of mirror self-recognition in cotton-top tamarins, Saguinus oedipus. Folia Primatologica 77: 318-319.
Manning JT, Fink B, Neave N, Szwed A (2006) The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and asymmetry. Annals of Human Biology 33: 480-492.
Roos C, Kappeler PM (2006) Distribution and conservation status of two newly discribed cheirogaleid species, Mirza zaza and Microcebus lehilahytsara. Primate Conservation 21: 51-53.
Schaefer K, Fink B, Grammer K, Mitteroecker P, Gunz P, Bookstein FL (2006) Female appearance: facial and bodily attractiveness as shape. Psychology Science 48: 187-204.
Thorén S, Lindenfors P, Kappeler PM (2006) Phylogenetic analyses of dimorphism in primates: evidence for stronger selection on canine size than on body size. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 130: 50-59.
Wilson GD, Cousins J, Fink B (2006). The CQ as a predictor of speed-date outcomes. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 21: 163-169.
to top2005
Dammhahn M, Kappeler PM (2005) Social system of Microcebus berthae, the world’s smallest primate. International Journal of Primatology 26: 407-436.
Fichtel C, Kappeler PM, Schwibbe M (eds) (2005) 1. Congress of the European Federation for Primatology (EFP) and 9. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Primatologie (GfP). Primate Report 72.
Fichtel C, Perry S, Gros-Louis J (2005) Alarm calls of white-faced capuchin monkeys: an acoustic analysis. Animal Behaviour 70: 165-176.
Fink B, Grammer K, Mitteroecker P, Gunz P, Schaefer K, Bookstein FL, Manning JT (2005) Second to fourth digit ratio and face shape. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 272: 1995-2001.
Fink B, Manning JT, Neave N (2005) The 2nd to 4th digit ratio, sociosexuality, and offspring sex-ratio. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28: 283-284.
Fink B, Neave N (2005) The biology of facial beauty. International Journal of Cosmetic Science 27: 317-325.
Fink B, Neave N, Manning JT, Grammer K (2005) Facial symmetry and the 'big-five' personality factors. Personality and Individual Differences 39: 523-529.
Fredsted T, Pertoldi C, Schierup MH, Kappeler PM (2005) Microsatellite analyses reveal fine-scale genetic structure in grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Molecular Ecology 14: 2363-2372.
Grammer K, Fink B, Møller AP, Manning JT (2005) Physical attractiveness and health: comment on Weeden and Sabini (2005). Psychological Bulletin 131: 658-661.
Grammer K, Fink B, Neave N (2005) Human pheromones and sexual attraction. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 118: 135-142.
Hilgartner RD (2005) Some ecological notes on the shrew tenrec Microgale cf. longicaudata in the dry decidious forest of western Madagascar. Afrotherian Conservation 3: 3-5.
Hilgartner RD, Raoilison M (2005) Freilandbeobachtungen am Madagaskar-Leguan Oplurus cuvieri (Gray, 1831). Reptilia 53: 64-69.
Huck M, Löttker P, Böhle U-R, Heymann EW (2005) Paternity and kinship patterns in polyandrous moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 127: 449-464.
Huck M, Löttker P, Heymann EW, Heistermann M (2005) Characterization and social correlates of fecal testosterone and cortisol excretion in wild male moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). International Journal of Primatology 26: 159-179.
Kappeler PM (2005) Verwandtschaft, Partnerschaft und Freundschaft. In: Elsner N, Lüer G (eds) '... Sind eben alles Menschen'. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen: 131-152.
Kappeler PM, Groeneveld LF, Schwibbe M (eds) (2005) 6. Göttinger Freilandtage: Primate Diversity - Past, Present and Future. Primate Report 72-1.
Kappeler PM, Rasoloarison RM, Razafimanantsoa L, Walter L, Roos C (2005) Morphology, behaviour and molecular evolution of giant mouse lemurs (Mirza spp.) Gray, 1870, with description of a new species. Primate Report 71: 3-26.
Lewis RJ, Kappeler PM (2005) Seasonality, body condition, and timing of reproduction in Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi in the Kirindy Forest. American Journal of Primatology 67: 347-364.
Lewis RJ, Kappeler PM (2005) Are Kirindy sifaka capital or income breeders? It depends. American Journal of Primatology 67: 365-369.
Manning JT, Fink B, Neave N, Caswell N (2005) Photocopies yield lower digit ratios (2D:4D) than direct finger measurements. Archives of Sexual Behavior 34: 329-333.
Nunn CL, Heymann EW (2005) Malaria infection and host behaviour: a comparative study of neotropical primates. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 30-37.
Schaefer K, Fink B, Mitteroecker P, Neave N, Bookstein FL (2005) Visualizing facial shape regression upon 2nd to 4th digit ratio and testosterone. Collegium Anthropologicum 29: 415-419.
Schmid J, Kappeler PM (2005) Physiological adaptations to seasonality. In: Brockman DK, van Schaik CP (eds) Primate Seasonality: Implications for Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 129-155.
Wohlrab S, Fink B, Kappeler PM (2005) Menschlicher Körperschmuck aus evolutionärer Perspektive - Diversität und Funktionen von Tätowierungen, Piercings und Skarifizierungen. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 134/135: 1-10.
Yoder AD, Olson LE, Hanley C, Heckman KL, Rasoloarison RM, Russell AL, Ranivo J, Soarimalala V, Karanth KP, Raselimanana AP, Goodman SM (2005) A multidimensional approach for detecting species patterns in Malagasy vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of USA 102: 6587-6594.
van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (2005) Cooperation in primates and humans: closing the gap. In: Kappeler PM, van Schaik CP (eds) Cooperation in Primates and Humans. Springer, Heidelberg: 3-21.
to top2004
Birkhead TR, Kappeler PM (2004) Postcopulatory sexual selection in birds and primates. In: Kappeler PM, van Schaik CP (eds) Sexual Selection in Primates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 151-172.
Dolch R, Hilgartner RD, Ndriamary J-N, Randriamahazo H (2004) The grandmother of all bamboo lemurs - evidence for the occurrence of Hapalemur simus in fragmented rainforest surrounding the Torotorofotsy marshes, central eastern Madagascar. Lemur News 9: 20-24.
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2004) Sex in the dark: determinants and consequences of mixed male mating tactics in Microcebus murinus, a small solitary nocturnal primate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 77-90.
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2004) Selected polyandry: female choice and inter-sexual conflict in a small nocturnal solitary primate (Microcebus murinus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 91-100.
Erkert HG, Kappeler PM (2004) Arrived in the light: diel and seasonal activity patterns in wild Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus v. verreauxi, Primates: Indriidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57: 174-186.
Fichtel C (2004) Reciprocal recognition in sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) and redfronted lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus) alarm calls. Animal Cognition 7: 45-52.
Fink B, Manning JT, Neave N (2004) Second to fourth digit ratio and the 'big five' personality factors. Personality and Individual Differences 37: 495-503.
Fink B, Manning JT, Neave N, Grammer K (2004) Second to fourth digit ratio and facial asymmetry. Evolution and Human Behavior 25: 125-132.
Fink B, Manning JT, Neave N, Tan U (2004) Second to fourth digit ratio and hand skill in Austrian children. Biological Psychology 67: 575-584.
Fredsted T, Pertoldi C, Olesen JM, Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2004) Microgeographic heterogeneity in spatial distribution and mtDNA variability of gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus, Primates: Cheirogaleidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56: 393-403.
Fredsted T, Villesen P (2004) Fast and reliable sexing of prosimian and human DNA. American Journal of Primatology 64: 345-350.
Goodman SM, Rasoloarison RM, Ganzhorn JU (2004) On the specific identification of subfossil Cryptoprocta (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Madagascar. Zoosystema 26: 129-143.
Grammer K, Fink B, Oberzaucher E, Atzmueller M, Blantar I, Mitteroecker P (2004) The representation of self reported affect in body posture and body posture simulation. Collegium Anthropologicum (suppl. 2) 28: 159-173.
Grüter CC, Zinner D (2004) Nested societies. Convergent adaptations of baboons and snub-nosed monkeys? Primate Report 70: 1-100.
Heymann EW (2004) Conservation categories of Peruvian primates - categorias de conservación de los primates peruanos. Neotropical Primates 12: 154-155.
Huck M, Löttker P, Heymann EW (2004) The many faces of helping: possible costs and benefits of infant carrying and food transfer in moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). Behaviour 141: 915-934.
Huck M, Löttker P, Heymann EW (2004) Proximate mechanisms of reproductive monopolization in male moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). American Journal of Primatology 64: 39-56.
Huck M, Löttker P, Heymann EW, Heistermann M (2004) Aspects of the behavioural and endocrine ontogeny of six wild immature male moustached tamarins (Callitrichidae). Neotropical Primates 12: 131-135.
Kappeler PM, van Schaik CP (2004) Sexual selection in primates: review and selective preview. In: Kappeler PM, van Schaik CP (eds) Sexual Selection in Primates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 3-23.
Kock D, Zinner D (2004) Martienssen's mastiff bat, Otomops martiensseni (Matschie 1897) (Molossidae) in Eritrea. African Bat Conservation News 2: 3-4.
Löttker P, Huck M, Heymann EW (2004) Demographic parameters and events in wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). American Journal of Primatology 64: 425-449.
Löttker P, Huck M, Heymann EW, Heistermann M (2004) Endocrine correlates of reproductive status in breeding and non-breeding wild female moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. International Journal of Primatology 25: 919-937.
Ostner J, Kappeler PM (2004) Male life history and unusual sex ratio of redfronted lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus) groups. Animal Behaviour 67: 249-259.
Scholz F, Kappeler PM (2004) Effects of water scarcity on the ranging behavior of Eulemur fulvus rufus. International Journal of Primatology 25: 599-613.
Schülke O, Kappeler PM, Zischler H (2004) Small testes size despite high extra-pair paternity in the pair-living nocturnal primate Phaner furcifer. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55: 293-301.
Terrones Ruíz WI, Vela Diaz DM, Flores Amasifuén C, Heymann EW (2004) Birth of a wild red titi monkey, Callicebus cupreus, at the Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco. Neotropical Primates 12: 15-16.
Tirado Herrera ER, Heymann EW (2004) Does mom need more protein? Preliminary observations on differences in diet composition in a pair of red titi monkeys, Callicebus cupreus. Folia Primatologica 75: 150-153.
Tirado Herrera ER, Heymann EW (2004) Behavioural changes in response to an injured group member in a group of wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). Neotropical Primates 12: 13-15.
Trillmich J, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2004) Coordination of group movements in wild Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi). Behaviour 141: 1103-1120.
Zinner D, Nunn CL, van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (2004) Sexual selection and exaggerated sexual swellings of female primates. In: Kappeler PM, van Schaik CP (eds) Sexual Selection in Primates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 71-89.
to top2003
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2003) The family insurance: cooperative breeding in wild gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Primate Report 66-1: 20.
Fichtel C, Hammerschmidt K (2003) Responses of squirrel monkeys to their experimentally modified mobbing calls. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113: 2927-2932.
Hapke A, Eberle M, Zischler H (2003) Isolation of new microsatellite markers and application in four species of mouse lemurs (Microcebus sp.). Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 205-208.
Hapke A, Schülke O, Zischler H (2003) Microsatellite markers for paternity testing in fork-marked lemurs (Phaner furcifer). Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 438-440.
Heymann EW(2003) Scent marking, paternal care, and sexual selection in callitrichines. In: Jones CB (ed) Sexual Selection and Reproductive Competition in Primates: New Perspectives and Directions. Special Topics in Primatology. Vol. 3. American Society of Primatologists, Norman: 305-325.
Heymann EW (2003) New World monkeys. II. Marmosets, tamarins, and Goeldi's monkey (Callitrichidae). In: Kleiman DG, Geist V, Hutchins M, McDade M (eds) Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. Gale Group, Farmington Hills/MI: 115-133.
Heymann EW (2003) Monogamy in New World primates - what can patterns of olfactory communication tell us? In: Reichard U, Boesch C (eds) Monogamy: Mating Strategies and Partnerships in Birds, Humans and Other Mammals. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 248-261.
Heymann EW, Canaquin Y (2003) Primatologische Beobachtungen am Río Curaray, Nord-Peru. Natur und Museum 133: 61-75.
Kappeler PM (2003) Verwandtschaftsmuster und die Soziobiologie nichtmenschlicher Primaten. Sozialer Sinn - Zeitschrift für hermeneutische Sozialforschung 1: 37-58.
Kappeler PM (2003) Mirza coquereli, Coquerel's dwarf lemur. In: Goodman SM, Benstead JP (eds) The Natural History of Madagascar. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1316-1318.
Kappeler PM, Erkert HG (2003) On the move around the clock: correlates and determinants of cathmeral activity in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54: 359-369.
Kappeler PM, Fichtel C, Schwibbe M (eds) (2003) 4. Göttinger Freilandtage: Cooperation in Primates and Humans - Mechanisms and Evolution. Primate Report 66-1.
Kappeler PM, Pereira ME, van Schaik CP (2003) Primate life histories and socioecology. In: Kappeler PM, Pereira ME (eds) Primate Life History and Socioecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1-24.
Kappeler PM, Rasoloarison RM (2003) Microcebus, mouse lemurs, tsidy. In: Goodman SM, Benstead JP (eds) The Natural History of Madagascar. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1310-1315.
Knogge C, Heymann EW (2003) Seed dispersal by sympatric tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis: diversity and characteristics of plant species. Folia Primatologica 74: 33-47.
Knogge C, Tirado Herrera ER, Heymann EW (2003) Effects of passage through tamarin guts on the germination potential of dispersed seeds. International Journal of Primatology 24: 1121-1128.
Lee PC, Kappeler PM (2003) Socio-ecological correlates of phenotypic plasticity of primate life histories. In: Kappeler PM, Pereira ME (eds) Primate Life History and Socioecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 41-65.
Ostner J, Heistermann M (2003) Endocrine characterization of female reproductive status in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 131: 274-283.
Ostner J, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (2003) Intersexual dominance, masculinized genitals and prenatal steroids: comparative data from lemurid primates. Naturwissenschaften 90: 141-144.
Peláez F, Zinner D (2003) Los primates de Eritrea: una expedición para el estudio de su hábitat, distribución y demografía. In: Martínez Contreras J, Veá JJ (eds) Primates: Evolución, Cultura y Diversidad. Centro de Estudios Filosóficos Políticos y Sociales 'Vicente Lombardo Toledano', Guadalupe, México: 197-224.
Schülke O (2003) The natural history of Phaner furcifer. In: Goodman SM, Benstead JP (eds) The Natural History of Madagascar. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1318-1320.
Schülke O (2003) To breed or not to breed - food competition and other factors involved in female breeding decisions in the pair-living nocturnal fork-marked lemur (Phaner furcifer). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55: 11-21.
Schülke O, Kappeler PM (2003) So near and yet so far: stable territorial pairs but low cohesion between pair-partners in a nocturnal lemur, Phaner furcifer. Animal Behaviour 65: 331-343.
Setchell JM, Kappeler PM (2003) Selection in relation to sex in primates. Advances in the Study of Behavior 33: 87-173.
Sorg J-P, Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (2003) Forestry and research in the Kirindy Forest/Centre de Formation Professionnelle Forestière. In: Goodman SM, Benstead JP (eds) The Natural History of Madagascar. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1512-1519.
Stearns SC, Pereira ME, Kappeler PM (2003) Primate life histories and future research. In: Kappeler PM, Pereira ME (eds) Primate Life History and Socioecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 301-312.
Streicher U, Nadler T, Zinner D (2003) Re-introduction of pygmy lorises in Vietnam. Re-Introduction News 23: 37-40.
Tirado Herrera ER, Franke T, Knogge C, Skrabal J, Heymann EW (2003) Flower and fruit visitors of Marcgravia longifolia in Amazonian Peru. Plant Biology 5: 210-214.
Zinner D, Hilgartner R, Kappeler PM, Pietsch T, Ganzhorn JU (2003) Social organization of Lepilemur ruficaudatus. International Journal of Primatology 24: 869-888.
van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (2003) The evolution of social monogamy in primates. In: Reichard U, Boesch C (eds) Monogamy: Mating Strategies and Partnerships in Birds, Humans and Other Mammals. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 59-80.
to top2002
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2002) Mouse lemurs in space and time: a test of the socioecological model. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 131-139.
Fichtel C, Hammerschmidt K (2002) Responses of redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) to experimentally modified alarm calls: evidence for urgency-based changes in call structure. Ethology 108: 763-777.
Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2002) Anti-predator behavior of group-living Malagasy primates: mixed evidence for a referential alarm call system. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 262-275.
Fredsted T (2002) Lemurer- de fantastiske aber fra Madagaskar. Naturens Verden 11/12: 53-61.
Gil Burmann C, Peláez F, Zinner DP (2002) The end of the free-ranging baboon group in Cádiz, Spain. Primate Report 63: 49-54.
Heiduck S (2002) The use of disturbed and undisturbed forest by masked titi monkeys Callicebus personatus melanochir is proportional to food availability. Oryx 36: 133-139.
Heymann EW (2002) Brazilian researchers detect rabies transmission from common marmosets to humans. Neotropical Primates 10: 28-29.
Heymann EW, Encarnación F, Canaquin JE (2002) Primates of the Río Curaray, Northern Peruvian Amazon. International Journal of Primatology 23: 191-201.
Heymann EW, Encarnación F, Soini P (2002) On the diagnostic characters and geographic distribution of the 'yellow handed' titi monkey, Callicebus lucifer, in Peru. Neotropical Primates 10: 124-126.
Kappeler PM (2002) Sexual selection in primates: new and comparative perspectives. Evolutionary Anthropology 11: 173-175.
Kappeler PM (2002) Primate biogeography. In: Pagel M (ed) Encyclopedia of Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 939-942.
Kappeler PM, van Schaik CP (2002) The evolution of primate social systems. International Journal of Primatology 23: 707-740.
Kappeler PM, Wimmer B, Zinner D, Tautz D (2002) Hidden matrilineal group structure of a solitary lemur: implications for primate social evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269: 1755-1763.
Maestripieri D, Kappeler PM (2002) Evolutionary theory and primate behavior. International Journal of Primatology 23: 703-705.
Ostner J (2002) Social thermoregulation in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Folia Primatologica 73: 175-180.
Ostner J, Kappeler PM, Heistermann M (2002) Seasonal variation and social correlates of androgen excretion in male redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52: 485-495.
Peláez F, Zinner D (2002) Un estudio preliminar sobre la distributión y demografia de los primates de Eritrea. Psicothema 14: 239-246.
Schülke O, Hilgartner R, Zinner D (2002) Das nächtliche Leben zweier wenig bekannter Lemurenarten Westmadagaskars. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 4: 179-194.
Shahuano Tello N, Huck M, Heymann EW (2002) Boa constrictor attack and group defense in moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). Folia Primatologica 73: 146-148.
Sommer S, Schwab D, Ganzhorn JU (2002) MHC diversity of endemic malagasy rodents with respect to social system and geographic range. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 214-221.
Tirado Herrera ER, Vulinec K, Knogge C, Heymann EW (2002) Sit and wait at the source of dung - an unusual strategy of dung beetles. Ecotropica 8: 87-88.
Wimmer B, Kappeler PM (2002) The effects of sexual selection and life history on the genetic structure of redfronted lemur, Eulemur fulvus rufus, groups. Animal Behaviour 64: 557-568.
Wimmer B, Tautz D, Kappeler PM (2002) The genetic population structure of the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), a basal primate from Madagascar. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52: 166-175.
Zinner D, Alberts SC, Nunn CL, Altmann J (2002) Significance of primate sexual swellings. Nature 420: 142-143.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Berhane D (2002) Anti-predator behaviour of male hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) in Eritrea. African Primates 4: 54-58.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Torkler F (2002) Distribution and habitat of grivet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) in eastern and central Eritrea. African Journal of Ecology 40: 151-158.
to top2001
Borries C, Koenig A, Winkler P (2001) Variation of life history traits and mating patterns in female langur monkeys (Semnopithecus entellus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50: 391-402.
Donati G, Lunardini A, Kappeler PM, Borgonini Tarli SM (2001) Nocturnal activity in the cathmeral red-fronted lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus), with observations during a lunar eclipse. American Journal of Primatology 53: 69-78.
Eberle M, Kappeler PM (2001) Male and female mating strategies in gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus): who decides? Primate Report 60-1: 19-20.
Fölling M, Knogge C, Böhme W (2001) Geckos are milking honeydew producing planthoppers in Madagascar. Journal of Natural History 35: 279-284.
Hapke A, Zinner D, Zischler H (2001) Mitochondrial DNA variation in Eritrean hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas): life history influences population genetic structure. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50: 482-493.
Heymann EW (2001) Interspecific variation of scent marking behaviour in wild tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis. Folia Primatologica 72: 253-267.
Heymann EW (2001) Can phenology explain the scarcity of folivory in New World primates? American Journal of Primatology 55: 171-175.
Hilgartner R, Zinner D, Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (2001) Pair-living and stable territoriality in red-tailed sportive lemur (Lepilemur ruficaudatus). Primate Report 60-1: 24-25.
Kappeler PM (2001) Lemurs: Cheirogaleidae, Lepilemuridae, Daubentoniidae, Indridae and Lemuridae. In: MacDonald DW (ed) Encyclopedia of Mammals. Andromeda Press, Oxford: 309-323.
Kappeler PM (2001) L'écologie des microcébes. Primatologie 3: 145-171.
Kappeler PM, Knogge C, Schwibbe M (eds) (2001) 3. Göttinger Freilandtage: Sexual Selection in Primates - Causes, Mechanisms and Consequences. Primate Report 60-1.
Kaumanns W, Schmid P, Schwitzer C, Husung A, Knogge C (2001) The European population of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus): status and problems. Primate Report 59: 65-75.
Knogge C (2001) Noch zehn Jahre für Orang Utans? Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Populations- und Artenschutz. ZGAP 2: 22-23.
Launhardt K, Borries C, Hardt C, Epplen JT, Winkler P (2001) Paternity analysis of alternative male reproductive routes among the langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) of Ramnagar. Animal Behaviour 61: 53-64.
Nunn CL, van Schaik CP, Zinner D (2001) Do exaggerated sexual swellings function in female mating competition in primates? A comparative test of the reliable indicator hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology 12: 646-654.
Ostner J (2001) Why live with many males? The case of Eulemur fulvus rufus. Primate Eye 73: 13-14.
Ostner J, Kappeler PM (2001) Unusual sex ratio and male life-history in redfronted lemur groups. Primate Report 60-1: 31-32.
Ostner J, Kappeler PM (2001) Determinants of group composition in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). Folia Primatologica 72: 175.
Oversluijs Vasquez MR, Heymann EW (2001) Crested eagle (Morphnus guianensis) predation on infant tamarins (Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis, Callitrichinae). Folia Primatologica 72: 301-303.
Schwibbe M, Singh M, Kaumanns W, Knogge C (eds) (2001) Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Lion-tailed Macaque, Mysore, India (Part 2). Primate Report 59.
Schülke O (2001) Social anti-predator behaviour in a nocturnal lemur. Folia Primatologica 72: 332-334.
Schülke O (2001) Male resource-defense monogamy in a nocturnal primate? Primate Eye 73: 16.
Schülke O, Kappeler PM (2001) Protection from infanticide, male resource defense, overdispersed females and the evolution of pair-living in a nocturnal lemur, Phaner furcifer. Folia Primatologica 72: 182-183.
Schülke O, Ostner J (2001) Predation on Lepilemur by the harrier hawk and implications for sleeping site quality. Lemur News 6: 5.
Schülke O, Zischler H, Kappeler PM (2001) The potential for sexual selection in a pair-living nocturnal primate. Primate Report 60-1: 39.
Smith AC, Tirado Herrera ER, Buchanan-Smith HM, Heymann EW (2001) Multiple breeding females and allo-nursing in a wild group of moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). Neotropical Primates 9: 67-69.
Zinner D (2001) Ornithological notes from a primate survey in Eritrea. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 8: 95-106.
Zinner D, Hindahl J, Kaumanns W (2001) Experimental intergroup encounters in lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus). Primate Report 59: 77-92.
Zinner D, Knogge C, Heymann EW, Kappeler PM (2001) Large primate aggregations: limits to female-female networks? Primate Report 60-1: 47-48.
Zinner D, Nunn CL, van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (2001) Sexual swellings: the female primates' peacock tail? Primate Report 60-1: 48-49.
Zinner D, Ostner J, Dill A, Razafimanantsoa L, Rasoloarison RM (2001) Results of a reconnaissance expedition in the western dry forests between Morondava and Morombe. Lemur News 6: 16-18.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Berhane D, Torkler F (2001) Mantelpaviane in Eritrea. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 44: 65-80.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Torkler F (2001) Group composition and adult sex-ratio of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) in Eritrea. International Journal of Primatology 22: 415-430.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Torkler F (2001) Distribution and habitat associations of baboons (Papio hamadryas) in central Eritrea. International Journal of Primatology 22: 397-413.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Torkler F, Berhane D (2001) Primates of Eritrea - current distribution and habitat. African Primates 5: 7-17.
Zinner D, Timmann I (2001) Grooming in hamadryas baboons - a test of the biological markets theory. Advances in Ethology 36: 293.
to top2000
Bachmann L, Rumpler Y, Ganzhorn JU, Tomiuk J (2000) Genetic differentiation among natural populations of Lepilemur ruficaudatus. International Journal of Primatology 21: 853-864.
Borries C (2000) Male dispersal and mating season influxes in hanuman langurs living in multimale groups. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Primate Males - Causes and Consequences of Variation in Group Composition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 146-158.
Borries C, Koenig A (2000) Infanticide in hanuman langurs: social organization, male migration, and weaning age. In: van Schaik CP, Janson CH (eds) Infanticide by Males and Its Implications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 99-122.
Fietz J, Zischler H, Schwiegh C, Tomiuk J, Dausmann KH, Ganzhorn JU (2000) High rates of extra-pair young in the pair-living fat-tailed dwarf lemur, Cheirogaleus medius. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49: 8-17.
Gil Burmann C, Peláez F, Zinner D (2000) Los papiones en libertad de Cadiz. Boletín de la APE 7: 19-20.
Heymann EW (2000) The number of adult males in callitrichine groups and its implication for callitrichine social evolution. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Primate Males - Causes and Consequences of Variation in Group Composition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 64-71.
Heymann EW (2000) Spatial patterns of scent-marking in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax: no evidence for a territorial function. Animal Behaviour 60: 723-730.
Heymann EW (2000) Field observations of the golden-mantled tamarin, Saguinus tripartitus, on the Río Curaray, Peruvian Amazonia. Folia Primatologica 71: 392-398.
Heymann EW, Buchanan-Smith HM (2000) The behavioural ecology of mixed-species troops of callitrichine primates. Biological Reviews 75: 169-190.
Heymann EW, Knogge C, Tirado Herrera ER (2000) Vertebrate predation by sympatric tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis. American Journal of Primatology 51: 153-158.
Kappeler PM (2000) Primate males: history and theory. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Primate Males - Causes and Consequences of Variation in Group Composition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 3-7.
Kappeler PM (2000) Lemur origins: rafting by groups of hibernators? Folia Primatologica 71: 422-425.
Kappeler PM (2000) Grouping and movement patterns of Malagasy primates. In: Boinski S, Garber P (eds) On the Move: How and Why Animals Travel in Groups. University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 470-490.
Kappeler PM (2000) Causes and consequences of unusual sex ratios among lemurs. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Primate Males - Causes and Consequences of Variation in Group Composition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 55-63.
Kappeler PM, Dill A (2000) The lemurs of Kirindy. Natural History 109: 58-65.
Kappeler PM, Wimmer B, Tautz D (2000) Genetic and social structure of a polygynous nocturnal lemur (Mirza coquereli, Primates: Cheirogaleidae). Zoology 103: 44.
Knogge C, Knogge T (2000) Evolution kooperativen Verhaltens - Analogien in der Biologie und der Ökonomie. Bremer Diskussionspapiere zur Institutionellen Ökonomie und Sozial-Ökonomie 42: 1-26.
Koenig A (2000) Competitive regimes in forest-dwelling hanuman langur females (Semnopithecus entellus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 48: 93-109.
Pereira ME, Clutton-Brock TH, Kappeler PM (2000) Understanding male primates. In: Kappeler PM (ed) Primate Males - Causes and Consequences of Variation in Group Composition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 271-277.
Pereira ME, Kappeler PM (2000) Languages and currencies of social relationships. In: Aureli F, de Waal FBM (eds) Natural Conflict Resolution. University of California Press, Berkeley: 318-333.
Rasoloarison RM, Goodman SM, Ganzhorn JU (2000) Taxonomic revision of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) in the western portions of Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 21: 963-1019.
Schmid J, Ruf T, Heldmaier G (2000) Metabolism and temperature regulation during daily torpor in the smallest primate, the pygmy mouse lemur (Microcebus myoxinus) in Madagascar. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 170: 59-68.
Schwab D (2000) A preliminary study of spatial distribution and mating system of pygmy mouse lemurs (Microcebus cf myoxinus). American Journal of Primatology 51: 41-60.
Schwibbe M, Lankeit M, Borries C (2000) European Primate Information System (EPIS). Primate Eye 70: 19-22.
Tirado Herrera ER, Knogge C, Heymann EW (2000) Infanticide in a group of wild saddle-back tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis. American Journal of Primatology 50: 153-157.
von Engelhardt N, Kappeler PM, Heistermann M (2000) Androgen levels and female social dominance in Lemur catta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 267: 1533-1539.
Yoder AD, Rasoloarison RM, Goodman SM, Irwin JA, Atsalis S, Ravosa MJ, Ganzhorn JU (2000) Remarkable species diversity in Malagasy mouse lemurs (Primates, Microcebus). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97: 11325-11330.
Zinner D, Deschner T (2000) Sexual swellings in female hamadryas baboons after male take-over. 'Deceptive' swellings as a possible female counterstrategy against infanticide. American Journal of Primatology 52: 157-168.
Zinner D, Kappeler PM (2000) On the ultimate function of sexual swellings in female primates. Folia Primatologica 71: 218.
Zinner D, Peláez F, Torkler F (2000) Primates in Eritrea - distribution and habitat. In: Rheinwald G (ed) Isolated Vertebrate Communities in the Tropics. Bonner Zoologische Monographien 46: 255-264.
to top1999
Borries C, Launhardt K, Epplen C, Epplen J, Winkler P (1999) DNA analyses support the hypothesis that infanticide is adaptive in langur monkeys. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 266: 901-904.
Fietz J (1999) Monogamy as a rule rather than exception in nocturnal lemurs: the case of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius). Ethology 105: 259-272.
Fietz J (1999) Demography and floating males in a population of Cheirogaleus medius. In: Rakotosamimanana B, Rasamimanana H, Goodman SM, Ganzhorn JU (eds) New Directions in Lemur Studies. Kluwer Academic, New York: 159-172.
Fietz J, Ganzhorn JU (1999) Feeding ecology of the hibernating primate Cheirogaleus medius: how does it get so fat? Oecologia 121: 157-164.
Ganzhorn JU, Wright PC, Ratsimbazafy J (1999) Primate communities: Madagascar. In: Fleagle JG, Janson CH, Reed KE (eds) Primate Commmunities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 75-89.
Ganzhorn JU (1999) Lemurs as indicators for assessing biodiversity in ecosystems of Madagascar: why it does not work. In: Kratochwil A (ed) Aspects of Biodiversity in Ecosystems. Kluwer Academic, Dortrecht: 163-174.
Ganzhorn JU (1999) Body mass, competition and the structure of primate communities. In: Fleagle JG, Janson CH, Reed KE (eds) Primate Commmunities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 141-157.
Ganzhorn JU, Fietz J, Rakotovao E, Schwab D, Zinner D (1999) Lemurs and the regeneration of dry deciduous forest in Madagascar. Conservation Biology 13: 794-804.
Gil Burmann C, Peláez F, Zinner D (1999) Una tropa de papiones oliva en Cádiz. Quercus 165: 16-22.
Heymann EW (1999) Primate behavioural ecology and diseases - some perspectives for a future primatology. Primate Report 55: 53-65.
Heymann EW, Soini P (1999) Offspring number in Cebuella pygmaea in relation to group size and the number of adult males. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46: 400-404.
Kappeler PM (1999) Primate socioecology: new insights from males. Naturwissenschaften 85: 18-29.
Kappeler PM (1999) Convergence and divergence in primate social systems. In: Fleagle JG, Janson CH, Reed KE (eds) Primate Commmunities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 158-170.
Koenig A, Beise J, Chalise MK (1999) Gentle leaf-eaters? Food, competition and female social relationships of hanuman langur monkeys (Presbytis entellus) from southern Nepal. Journal of the Nepal Research Centre 11: 37-50.
Kraus C, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (1999) Physiological suppression of sexual function of subordinate males: a subtle form of intrasexual competition among male sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)? Physiology and Behavior 66: 855-861.
Naguib M, Fichtel C, Todt D (1999) Nightingales respond more strongly to vocal leaders of simulated dyadic interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 266: 537-542.
Ostner J, Kappeler PM (1999) Central males instead of multiple pairs in redfronted lemurs, Eulemur fulvus rufus (Primates, Lemuridae)? Animal Behaviour 58: 1069-1078.
Ostner J, Schülke O, Zinner D (1999) Der Trockenwald West-Madagaskars. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 42: 125-142.
Schmid J (1999) Sex-specific differences in activity patterns and fattening in the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) in Madagascar. Journal of Mammalogy 80: 749-757.
Sterling EJ, Povinelli DJ (1999) Tool use, aye-ayes, and sensorimotor intelligence. Folia Primatologica 70: 8-16.
Sánchez S, Peláez F, Gil Burmann C, Kaumanns W (1999) Costs of infant-carrying in the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus). American Journal of Primatology 48: 99-111.
Zinner D (1999) Relationship between feeding time and food intake in hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) and the value of feeding time as a predictor of food intake. Zoo Biology 18: 495-505.
Zinner D, Peláez F (1999) Verreaux's eagles (Aquila verreauxi) as potential predators of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas). American Journal of Primatology 47: 61-66.
to top1998
Beise J, Koenig A, Chalise MK, Ganzhorn JU (1998) When should hanuman langur females (Presbytis entellus) 'contest' for food. Folia Primatologica 69: 219-220.
Encarnación F, Heymann EW (1998) Body mass of wild Callimico goeldii. Folia Primatologica 69: 368-371.
Fietz J (1998) Body mass in wild Microcebus murinus over the dry season. Folia Primatologica 69: 183-190.
Ganzhorn JU (1998) Nested patterns of species composition and its implications for lemur biogeography in Madagascar. Folia Primatologica (suppl 1) 69: 332-341.
Ganzhorn JU, Schmid J (1998) Different population dynamics of Microcebus murinus in primary and secondary dry deciduous forest of Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 19: 785-796.
Heiduck S (1998) How to cope with seasonality in food availability? Patch use strategies of masked titi monkeys Callicebus personatus melanochir. Folia Primatologica 69: 221.
Heymann EW (1998) Spatial patterns of scent-marking in wild Saguinus mystax. Folia Primatologica 69: 233.
Heymann EW (1998) Sex differences in olfactory communication in wild Saguinus mystax. Folia Primatologica 69: 201-202.
Heymann EW (1998) Sex differences in olfactory communication in a primate, the moustached tamarin, Saguinus mystax (Callitrichinae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43: 37-45.
Heymann EW (1998) Giant fossil New World primates: arboreal or terrestrial? Journal of Human Evolution 34: 99-101.
Heymann EW, Holighaus K (1998) Der 'Faktor Mensch': der Einfluß von Tierpflegern auf das Verhalten von Lisztaffen, Saguinus oedipus (Callitrichinae). Zoologischer Garten 68: 222-230.
Heymann EW, Knogge C, Tirado ER, Smith AC (1998) Unter Affengnomen im Amazonasregenwald - Freilandforschung an Tamarinen in Peru. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 41: 63-84.
Hussmann S, Kappeler PM (1998) Are male sifaka (Propithecus v. verreauxi) more vigilant than females, and could this be interpreted as a service towards females? Folia Primatologica 69: 210-211.
Kappeler PM (1998) Scramble competition polygyny and the social organization of Mirza coquereli. Folia Primatologica (suppl 1) 69: 402-403.
Kappeler PM (1998) To whom it may concern: the transmission and function of chemical signals in Lemur catta. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42: 411-421.
Kappeler PM (1998) Nests, tree holes and the evolution of primate life histories. American Journal of Primatology 46: 7-33.
Kappeler PM (1998) Lemur social structure and convergence in primate socioecology. In: Lee PC (ed) Primate Socioecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 273-299.
Kaumanns W, Zinner D, Hindahl J (1998) Experimentelle Gruppenbegegnungen als Mittel zur sozialen Stimulans bei in Menschenhand gehaltenen Bartaffen (Macaca silenus). Zoologischer Garten 68: 45-55.
Knogge C, Heymann EW, Tirado ER (1998) Seed dispersal of Asplundia peruviana (Cyclanthaceae) by the primate Saguinus fuscicollis. Journal of Tropical Ecology 14: 99-102.
Koenig A (1998) Visual scanning by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): functional aspects and the special role of adult males. Primates 39: 85-90.
Koenig A, Beise J, Chalise MK, Ganzhorn JU (1998) When females should contest for food - testing hypotheses about resource density, distribution, size, and quality with hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42: 225-237.
Kraus C, Heistermann M, Kappeler PM (1998) Reproductive competition among male sifakas: the roles of sperm competition and physiological suppression. Folia Primatologica 69: 222.
Peláez F, Zinner D (1998) Expedición a Eritrea. Boletín de la APE 5: 3-5.
Schmid J, Kappeler PM (1998) Fluctuating sexual dimorphism and differential hibernation by sex in a primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43: 125-132.
Sánchez S, Peláez F, Kaumanns W, Heymann EW (1998) Mothers of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) benefit from helping behaviour. Folia Primatologica 69: 212.
Tirado Herrera ER, Heymann EW (1998) A possible case of myiasis in a wild moustached tamarin, Saguinus mystax (Callitrichinae, Cebidae). Journal of Medical Primatology 27: 271-272.
Tomiuk J, Bachmann L, Leipoldt M, Atsalis S, Kappeler PM, Schmid J, Ganzhorn JU (1998) The impact of genetics on the conservation of Malagasy lemur species. Folia Primatologica 69: 121-126.
to top1997
Beise J, Chalise MK, Ganzhorn JU, Koenig A (1997) When hanuman langur females (Presbytis entellus) should contest for food. Advances in Ethology 32: 182.
Borries C (1997) Infanticide in seasonally breeding multimale groups of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) in Ramnagar (South Nepal). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 41: 139-150.
Dorr LJ, Leigh EG, Ganzhorn JU (1997) Jean Prosper Abraham (1930-1996). Taxon 46: 377-379.
Ganzhorn JU (1997) Test of Fox's assembly rule for functional groups in lemur communities in Madagascar. Journal of Zoology 241: 533-542.
Ganzhorn JU, Malcomber S, Andrianantoanina O, Goodman SM (1997) Habitat characteristics and lemur species richness in Madagascar. Biotropica 29: 331-343.
Ganzhorn JU, O'Connor SM, Langrand O, Rakotosamimanana B, Wright PC, Feistner A, Rumpler Y, Katz A (1996/1997) The status of lemur conservation in Madagascar. Primate Conservation 17: 70-86.
Ganzhorn JU, Rakotosamimanana B, Hannah L, Hough J, Iyer L, Olivieri O, Rajaobelina S, Rodstrom C, Tilkin G (eds) (1997) Geographical Research and Conservation Priorities for Madagascar. Primate Report 48-1.
Gil Burmann C, Peláez F, Zinner D (1997) Current situation of the free-ranging baboons in Cádiz, Spain. Primate Report 47: 73-81.
Goodman SM, Ganzhorn JU (1997) Rarity of figs (Ficus) on Madagascar and its relationship to a depauperate frugivore community. Revue d'Ecologie 52: 321-329.
Goodman SM, Ganzhorn JU, Wilme L (1997) Observations at a Ficus tree in Malagasy humid forest. Biotropica 29: 480-486.
Heiduck S (1997) Food choice of masked titi monkeys (Callicebus personatus melanochir): selectivity or opportunism? International Journal of Primatology 18: 487-502.
Heymann EW (1997) The relationship between body size and mixed-species troops of tamarins (Saguinus spp.). Folia Primatologica 68: 287-295.
Heymann EW, Knogge C (1997) Field observations on the neotropical pygmy squirrel, Sciurillus pusillus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Peruvian Amazonia. Ecotropica 3: 67-69.
Kappeler PM (1997) Intrasexual selection in Mirza coquereli: evidence for scramble competition polygyny in a solitary primate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 45: 115-127.
Kappeler PM (1997) Intrasexual selection and testis size in strepsirhine primates. Behavioral Ecology 8: 10-19.
Kappeler PM (1997) Determinants of primate social organization: comparative evidence and new insights from Malagasy lemurs. Biological Reviews 72: 111-151.
Koenig A, Borries C, Chalise MK, Einkler P (1997) Ecology, nutrition, and timing of reproductive events in an Asian primate, the hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus). Journal of Zoology 243: 215-235.
Müller K-H, Ahl C, Hartmann G (1997) Geophagy in masked titi monkeys (Callicebus personatus melanochir) in Brazil. Primates 38: 69-77.
Nikolei J, Borries C (1997) Sex differential behavior of immature hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) in Ramnagar, South Nepal. International Journal of Primatology 18: 415-437.
Ortmann S, Heldmaier G, Schmid J, Ganzhorn JU (1997) Spontaneous daily torpor in Malagasy mouse lemurs. Naturwissenschaften 84: 28-32.
Pereira ME, Kappeler PM (1997) Divergent systems of agonistic behaviour in lemurid primates. Behaviour 134: 225-274.
Sarikaya Z, Kappeler PM (1997) Nest building behavior of Coquerel's dwarf lemur (Mirza coquereli). Primate Report 47: 3-9.
Singer SS, Schwibbe MH (1997) Comparative studies on handedness in marmosets and tamarins. Neotropical Primates 5: 11-12.
Tomiuk J, Bachmann L, Leipoldt M, Ganzhorn JU, Ries R, Weis M, Loeschke V (1997) Genetic diversity of Lepilemur mustelinus ruficaudatus, a nocturnal lemur of Madagascar. Conservation Biology 11: 491-497.
van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (1997) Infanticide risk and the evolution of male-female association in primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 264: 1687-1694.
Zinner D (1997) Agresión. In: Peláez Del Hierro F, Veá Baró J (eds) Etología. Bases Biológicas de la Conducta Animal y Humana. Pyramide, Madrid: 187-200.
Zinner D, Gil Burman C, Peláez F (1997) Freilebende Paviane in den Korkeichenwäldern Südspaniens. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 40: 161-167.
Zinner D, Hindahl J, Schwibbe M (1997) Effects of temporal sampling patterns of all-occurence recording in behavioural studies: many short sampling periods are better than a few long ones. Ethology 103: 236-246.
to top1996
Abraham J-P, Benja R, Randrianasolo M, Ganzhorn JU, Jeannoda V, Leigh EG (1996) Tree diversity on small plots in Madagascar: a preliminary review. Revue d' Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) 51: 93-116.
Atsalis S, Schmid J, Kappeler PM (1996) Metrical comparisons of three species of mouse lemurs. Journal of Human Evolution 31: 61-68.
Bloxam QMC, Behler JL, Rakotovao ER, Randriamahazo HJAR, Hayes KT, Tonge SJ, Ganzhorn JU (1996) Effects of logging on the reptile fauna of the Kirindy Forest with special emphasis on the flat-tailed tortoise (Pyxis planicaudata). Primate Report 46-1: 189-202.
Burkhardt JF, Böhning-Gaese K, Hornung U, Schmid J (1996) Comparisons of sampling techniques for the characterization of ant communities in a Malagasy dry forest. Primate Report 46-1: 165-174.
Böhning-Gaese K, Burkhardt JF, Schmid J (1996) Seed dispersal in the tree Commiphora guillaumini: a combination of ornithochory and myrmecochory in a dry tropical forest in western Madagascar. Primate Report 46-1: 305-310.
Carrai V, Lunardini A (1996) Activity patterns and home range use of two groups of Propithecus v. verreauxi in the Kirindy Forest. Primate Report 46-1: 275-284.
Ganzhorn JU, Böhning-Gaese K, Heymann EW (1996) Fruit selection and seed dispersal by primates. Primate Report 44: 63-66.
Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (1996) Lemurs of the Kirindy Forest. Primate Report 46-1: 257-274.
Ganzhorn JU, Sommer S, Abraham J-P, Ade M, Raharivololona ER, Rakotodrasoa C, Randriamarosoa R (1996) Mammals of the Kirindy Forest with special emphasis on Hypogeomys antimena and the effects of logging on the small mammal fauna. Primate Report 46-1: 215-232.
Ganzhorn JU, Sorg J-P (eds) (1996) Ecology and Economy of a Tropical Dry Forest in Madagascar. Primate Report 46-1.
Goodman SM, Sterling EJ (1996) The utilization of Canarium (Burseraceae) seeds by vertebrates in the RNI d'Andringitra, Madagascar. Fieldiana Zoology 85: 83-89.
Hannah L, Rakotosamimamnana B, Ganzhorn JU, Olivieri S, Hough J, Mittermeier RA, Mast RB, Rajaobelina S (1996) Conservation priority setting workshop drives a changing paradigm for biodiversity in Madagascar. Lemur News 2: 19-21.
Heymann EW (1996) Social behavior of wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax, at the Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco, Peruvian Amazonia. American Journal of Primatology 38: 101-113.
Heymann EW (1996) Monkeys and apes (primates). In: Roth HH, Merz G (eds) Wildlife Resources: A Global Account of Economic Use. Springer, Heidelberg: 176-185.
Heymann EW, Sicchar Valdez LA, Tapia RJ (1996) Experiences with mixed-species housing of tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax (Primates: Callitrichidae), in an outdoor enclosure. Der Zoologische Garten 66: 381-390.
Kappeler PM (1996) Intrasexual selection and phylogenetic constraints in the evolution of sexual canine dimorphism in strepsirhine primates. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 9: 43-65.
Kappeler PM, Heymann EW (1996) Non-convergence in the evolution of primate life history and socio-ecology. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 59: 297-326.
Kappeler PM (1996) Causes and consequences of life history variation among strepsirhine primates. American Naturalist 148: 868-891.
Leipoldt M, Schlitz A, Ganzhorn JU, Tomiuk J (1996) Genetic analysis of Lepilemur mustelinus ruficaudatus population using RAPD markers. In: Lourenco WR (ed) Biogeography of Madagascar. Orstom, Paris: 267-274.
Nickle DA, Heymann EW (1996) Predation on Orthoptera and other orders of insects by tamarin monkeys, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis (Primates: Callitrichidae), in northeastern Peru. Journal of Zoology 239: 799-819.
Ortmann S, Schmid J, Ganzhorn JU, Heldmaier G (1996) Body temperature and torpor in a Malagasy small primate, the mouse lemur. In: Geiser F, Hulbert AJ, Nicol SC (eds) Adaptions to the Cold. Tenth International Hibernation Symposium. University of New England Press, Armidale: 55-62.
Ralisoamalala RC (1996) Role de Eulemur fulvus rufus (AUDEBERG, 1799) et de Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi (A. GRANDIDIER, 1867) dans la dissemination des graines. Primate Report 46-1: 285-294.
Schmid J (1996) Oxygen consumption and torpor in mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus and M. myoxinus): preliminary results of a study in western Madagascar. In: Geiser F, Hulbert AJ, Nicol SC (eds) Adaptions to the Cold. Tenth International Hibernation Symposium. University of New England Press, Armidale: 47-54.
Schmid J, Ganzhorn JU (1996) Resting metabolic rates of Lepilemur ruficaudatus. American Journal of Primatology 38: 169-174.
Smith AP, Ganzhorn JU (1996) Convergence in community structure and dietary adaptation in Australian possums and gliders and Malagasy lemurs. Australian Journal of Ecology 21: 31-46.
Sommer S (1996) Ecology and social structure of Hypogeomys antimena, an endemic rodent of the dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. In: Lourenco WR (ed) Biogeography of Madagascar. Orstom, Paris: 295-302.
Sterling EJ, Ramaroson MG (1996) Rapid assessment of the primate fauna of the eastern slopes of the Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d'Andringitra, Madagascar. Fieldiana Zoology 85: 293-305.
Sterling EJ, Richard FR (1996) Social organization in the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariens) and the perceived distinctiveness of nocturnal primates. In: Altermann L, Doyle GA, Izard MK (eds) Creatures of the Night. The Nocturnal Prosimians. Plenum Press, New York: 439-451.
van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (1996) The social systems of gregarious lemurs: lack of convergence with anthropoids due to evolutionary equilibrium? Ethology 102: 915-941.
Warren RD, Crompton RH (1996) Lazy leapers: energetics, phylogenetic inertia and the locomotor differentiation of the Malagasy primates. In: Lourenco WR (ed) Biogeography of Madagascar. Orstom, Paris: 259-266.
Zinner D (1996) Nahrungsaufnahmestrategien von männlichen und weiblichen Mantelpavianen (Papio hamadryas). Mitteilungsblatt der Ethologischen Gesellschaft 36: 57.
Zinner D, Torkler F (1996) Hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) in Eritrea. African Primates 2: 65-67.
Zinner D, Torkler F (1996) GIS and remote sensing as tools for surveying primates. Ecotropica 2: 41-47.
to top1995
Corbin G, Schmid J (1995) Insect secretions determine habitat use patterns by a female lesser mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). American Journal of Primatology 37: 317-324.
Ganzhorn JU (1995) Low-level forest disturbance effects on primary production, leaf chemistry, and lemur populations. Ecology 76: 2084-2096.
Ganzhorn JU (1995) Cyclones over Madagascar: fate or fortune? Ambio 24: 124-125.
Ganzhorn JU, Paffrath D (1995) Patterns in air pollution as model for the physical basis for olfactory navigation in pigeon homing. Journal of Ornithology 136: 159-165.
Heymann EW (1995) Urine washing and related behaviour in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax (Callitrichidae). Primates 36: 259-264.
Heymann EW (1995) Sleeping habits of tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis (Mammalia: Primates: Callitrichidae), in northeastern Peru. Journal of Zoology 237: 211-226.
Kappeler PM (1995) Life history variation among nocturnal prosimians. In: Alterman L, Doyle GA, Izard MK (eds) Creatures of the Dark: The Nocturnal Prosimians. Plenum Press, New York: 75-92.
Kappeler PM, Ganzhorn JU (1995) L'évolution sociale des primates de Madagascar. Akon'ny Ala 15: 41-51.
Knogge C, Heymann EW (1995) Field observation of twinning in the dusky titi monkey, Callicebus cupreus. Folia Primatologica 65: 118-120.
Plavcan JM, van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (1995) Competition, coalitions and canine size in primates. Journal of Human Evolution 28: 245-276.
Rasoloarison RM, Rasolonandrasana BPN, Ganzhorn JU, Goodman SM (1995) Predation on vertebrates in the Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Ecotropica 1: 59-65.
to top1994
Feistner AT, Sterling EJ (eds) (1994) The aye-aye: Madagascar's most puzzling primates. Folia Primatologica 62: 1-180.
Feistner AT, Sterling EJ (1994) Aye-ayes: out of the dark and into the light. Folia Primatologica 62: 6-7.
Ganzhorn JU (1994) Les lémuriens. In: Goodman SM, Langrand O (eds) Recherches pour le Developpement: Inventaire Biologique de la Forêt de Zombitse. Vol. N° Spécial. Centre d'Information et de Documentation Scientifique et Technique, Antananarivo: 70-72.
Ganzhorn JU (1994) Lemurs as indicators for habitat change. In: Thierry B, Anderson JR, Roeder JJ, Herrenschmidt N (eds) Current Primatology: Ecology and Evolution. Vol. I. Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg: 51-56.
Ganzhorn JU, Wright PC (1994) Temporal pattern in primate leaf eating: the possible role of leaf chemistry. Folia Primatologica 63: 203-208.
Goodman SM, Ganzhorn JU (1994) Les petits mammiféres. In: Goodman SM, Langrand O (eds) Recherches pour le Developpement: Inventaire Biologique de la Forêt de Zombitse. Vol. N° Spécial. Centre d'Information et de Documentation Scientifique et Technique, Antananarivo: 58-63.
Heymann EW (1994) Tiergerechte Haltung von Marmosetten und Tamarinen (Primates: Callitrichidae) aus der Sicht eines Freilandbiologen. Tierlaboratorium 17: 43-58.
Heymann EW, Aquino R (1994) Exploraciones primatológicas en las quebradas Blanco, Blanquillo y Tangarana (Río Tahuayo, Amazonía Peruana). Folia Amazónica 6: 125-138.
Kappeler PM, Ganzhorn JU (1994) The evolution of primate communities and societies in Madagascar. Evolutionary Anthropology 2: 159-171.
Schmid J, Kappeler PM (1994) Sympatric mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.) in western Madagascar. Folia Primatologica 63: 162-170.
Sterling EJ (1994) Taxonomy and distribution of Daubentonia: a historical perspective. Folia Primatologica 62: 8-13.
Sterling EJ (1994) Evidence for non-seasonal reproduction in wild aye-ayes (Daubentonia madagascariensis). Folia Primatologica 62: 46-53.
Sterling EJ (1994) Aye-ayes: specialists on structurally defended resources. Folia Primatologica 62: 142-154.
Sterling EJ, Dierenfeld ES, Ashborne CJ, Feistner ATC (1994) Dietary intake, food composition and nutrient intake in wild and captive populations of Daubentonia madagascariensis. Folia Primatologica 62: 115-124.
to top1993
Ganzhorn JU (1993) Flexibility and constraints of Lepilemur ecology. In: Kappeler PM, Ganzhorn JU (eds) Lemur Sozial Systems and Their Ecological Basis. Plenum Press, New York: 153-165.
Ganzhorn JU, Kappeler PM (1993) Lemuren Madagaskars: Tests zur Evolution von Primatengemeinschaften. Naturwissenschaften 80: 195-208.
Heymann EW (1993) The role of primates in tropical ecosystems. In: Barthlott W, Naumann CM, Schmidt-Loske K, Schuchmann KL (eds) Animal-Plant Interactions in Tropical Environments. Results of the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Ecology held at Bonn, February 13-16 (1992). Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn: 103-108.
Heymann EW (1993) Field studies on tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis, in northeastern Peru. Neotropical Primates 1: 10-11.
Kappeler PM (1993) Variation in social structure: the effects of sex and kinship on social interactions in three lemur species. Ethology 93: 125-145.
Kappeler PM (1993) Sexual selection and lemur social systems. In: Kappeler PM, Ganzhorn JU (eds) Lemur Social Systems and Their Ecological Basis. Plenum Press, New York: 223-240.
Kappeler PM (1993) Reconciliation and post-conflict behaviour in ringtailed lemurs, Lemur catta and redfronted lemurs, Eulemur fulvus rufus. Animal Behaviour 45: 901-915.
Kappeler PM (1993) Female dominance in primates and other mammals. In: Bateson PPG, Klopfer PH, Thompson NS (eds) Perspectives in Ethology. Vol. 10: Behavior and Evolution. Plenum Press, New York: 143-158.
Ranvaud R, Schmidt-Koenig K, Ganzhorn JU (1993) The sun compass of homing pigeons near the equator: implications of zenith culmination. In: Orientation and Navigation: Birds, Humans and Other Animals. Royal Institute of Navigation, London: 19.
Schmid J, Schlund W (1993) Anosmia in ZnSO4-treated pigeons: loss of olfactory information during ontogeny and the role of site familiarity in homing experiments. Journal of Experimental Biology 185: 33-49.
Sterling EJ (1993) Patterns of range use and social organization in aye-ayes (Daubentonia madagascariensis) on Nosy Mangabe. In: Kappeler PM, Ganzhorn JU (eds) Lemur Social Systems and Their Ecological Basis. Plenum Press, New York: 1-10.
van Schaik CP, Kappeler PM (1993) Life history and activity period as determinants of lemur social systems. In: Kappeler PM, Ganzhorn JU (eds) Lemur Social Systems and Their Ecological Basis. Plenum Press, New York: 241-260.
to top1992
Heymann EW (1992) Seed ingestion and gastrointestinal health in tamarins? Laboratory Primate Newsletter 31: 15-16.
Heymann EW (1992) Associations of tamarins (Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis) and double-toothed kites (Harpagus bidentatus) in Peruvian Amazonia. Folia Primatologica 59: 51-55.
Sicchar LA, Heymann EW (1992) Preliminary observations on external signs of estrus in moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax (Callitrichidae). Laboratory Primate Newsletter 31: 4-6.
to top1991
Gore MA (1991) A comparative study of the relationships and behaviours in a female- and a non-female-bonded social system. In: Ehara A, Kimura T, Takenaka O, Iwamoto M (eds) Primatology Today. Elsevier Science Publishing, Amsterdam: 189-192.
Heymann EW (1991) Associations between tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis (Primates: Callitrichidae), and double-toothed kites, Harpagus bidentatus (Falconiformes: Accipitridae). Primate Report 31: 13.
Heymann EW, Hartmann G (1991) Geophagy in moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax (Platyrrhini: Callitrichidae), at the Río Blanco, Peruvian Amazonia. Primates 32: 533-537.
to top1990
Bartecki U, Heymann EW (1990) Field observations on scent marking behaviour in saddle-back tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis (Callitrichidae, Primates). Journal of Zoology 220: 87-99.
Heymann EW (1990) Social behaviour and infant carrying in a group of moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax (Primates: Platyrrhini: Callitrichidae), on Padre Isla, Peruvian Amazonia.Primates 31: 183-196.
Heymann EW (1990) Reactions of wild tamarins, Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis, to avian predators. International Journal of Primatology 11: 327-337.
Heymann EW (1990) Interspecific relations in a mixed-species troop of moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax, and saddle-back tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis (Primates: Callitrichidae), at the Rio Blanco, Peruvian Amazonia. American Journal of Primatology 21: 115-127.
Heymann EW (1990) Further field notes on red uakaris, Cacajao calvus ucayalii, from the Quebrada Blanco, Amazonian Peru. Primate Conservation 11: 7-9.
Heymann EW (1990) Ein Besuch in der biologischen Feldstation Cahuana im Peruanischen Nationalreservat Pacaya-Samiria.Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 33: 95-103.
Heymann EW, Bartecki U (1990) A young saki monkey, Pithecia hirsuta, feeding on ants, Cephalotes atratus. Folia Primatologica 55: 181-184.
Heymann EW, Sicchar LA (1990) Estudio etológico del pichico barba blanca, Saguinus mystax mystax y del pichico común, Saguinus fuscicollis nigrifrons (Primates, Callitrichidae) en un galpón al aire libre - resultados preliminares. In: Dirección General Forestal y de Fauna, Instituto Veterinario de Investigaciones Tropicales y de Altura und Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (eds) La Primatología en el Perú. Investigaciones Primatológicas (1973-1985). Imprenta Propaceb, Lima: 359-381.
to top