We are involved in undergraduate teaching of the B.Sc. programs “Biology” and “Biological Diversity and Ecology” of the University of Göttingen. Specific lectures and courses are “Introductory lecture series” and the biological basic module “B.Bio111 Anthropology: Evolutionary Anthropology”..
On Master level, we teach courses in the Master programs “Biology: Developmental, Neuronal and Behavioural Biology” and “Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution”. Specific courses are “Primate Ecology”, “M.Bio.306 Introduction in Behavioural Biology” and “M.Bio.307 Behavioral biology”.
We are also involved in the PhD programs GAUSS and “Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution”.
Furthermore, we give regular courses at the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana (Iquitos, Peru) and the Université d’Antananarivo (Madagascar).
Bachelor- Pflichtmodul "Ringvorlesung Biologie I - Teil B" (5 C, 4 SWS) [B.Bio.106]
- Wahlmodul "Anthropologie" (10 C, 7 SWS) [B.Bio.111]
- Wahlmodul "Verhaltensbiologie" (10 C, 7 SWS) [B.Bio.131]
- Core module: "Introduction to behavioral biology" (12 C, 12 SWS) [M.Bio.306]
- Core module: "Behavioral biology" (12 C, 14 SWS) [M.Bio.307]
- "Primate ecology" [M.Biodiv.408]
- Advanced module "Population and behavioral biology" (12 C, 20 SWS) [M.Bio.317]
- Advanced module "Social behavior, communication and cognition" (12 C, 20 SWS) [M.Bio.318]
- Key comptence module "Introduction to behavioral biology" (6 C, 4 SWS) [M.Bio.346]
- Key competence module "Behavioral biology" (6 C, 4 SWS) [M.Bio.347]
- Key comptence module "Introduction to behavioral biology" (3 C, 3 SWS) [M.Bio.366]
- Key competence module "Introduction to applied statistics" (6 C, 4 SWS) [M.Bio.358]